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Her sarcasm is a mask for her insecurity.她的讽刺挖苦是为了掩饰她的不安全感。Irony is not my strong suit.讽刺挖苦不是我的特长。I don't traffic in sarcasm.我不会讽刺挖苦别人。At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.在最庄严的时刻他脸上会闪现嘲弄的微笑或说一句讽刺挖苦的话。Fred ignored the sarcasm.弗雷德对讽刺挖苦置之不理。Sarcasm can become a sledgehammer in a debate.讽刺挖苦在辩论中可以颇具威力。I didn't come here today to jeer: I want to give advice.我今天到这儿来不是为了讽刺挖苦,我是想提些建议。This is no time to indulge in sarcasm.现在可不是一味讽刺挖苦的时候。 |