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词汇 ships
例句 The ships' running lights pinpointed the dark.船上的探照灯刺破黑暗。The army had failed to grasp that their mission was to protect the navy's ships, not vice versa.陆军没有明白他们的任务是保护海军战舰,而不是反过来让它们来保护自己。The supply ships sailed under convoy.补给船在护送之下航行。Two ships struck in mid channel.两艘船在河道中间相撞。Down at the docks, ships were loading and unloading.下面码头上,船舶正在装货和卸货。The ships were going to make a passage.这些船将要出航。Two of the ships were blown up while they were still in the harbour.其中两艘船还在海港里的时候就被炸毁了。The collision between the ships was caused by fog.船只相撞事件因雾造成。During the war, Navy ships were refitted here.战争期间海军的船只在这里进行修理。Cruise ships and other boats filled the harbor.港口停满了大型游轮和其他船只。The rules let investors depreciate the value of the ships quickly.这些规定要求投资者尽快将船只价值折旧。The sight of the ships prompted thoughts of his distant home.见到船队,他大发对遥远家乡的幽思。The new dockage in the Shanghai harbour will greatly expedite the offloading of ships.上海港的新码头设备将大大加速船只的卸货。They fought on until all their ships were sunk.他们继续战斗,直到他们的所有舰只都被击沉。Many ships in the navy's fleet were put in mothballs after the war.战后,很多海军军舰被封存起来。A number of ships were resting in their cradles in the shipyard.船坞的船架上放置了一些船。The Dutch fleet captured two English ships.荷兰舰队虏获了两艘英国船舰。A fleet of French ships was sighted in the North Sea.在北海突然发现了一支法国船队。Most of the ships were woefully short of ammunition.大多数舰船弹药极度匮乏。They were taught how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships.有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔。There is enough room for the anchorage of thirty ships here.这里足可停泊三十艘船。Many of the old ships have been pensioned off许多旧船已被废弃了。Two British ships were sent to intercept the convoy.两艘英国船被派去拦截船队。Most long-distance traffic of heavy goods is done by ships.大多数重型货物的长途运输都使用轮船。These big ships need half a day to turn round.这些大型船舶需要半天时间完成装卸再次开航。The rats hitch a free ride on ships.老鼠惯于搭顺风船。The chartering of ships is usually done through the intermediary of brokers.租船通常是由经纪人从中撮合的。On our ships officers rose from the ranks and every young sailor boy had his chance.我们这儿的高级船员都是从水手提拔上来的,所以每个青年水手都有机会提升。A radio message was sent out to all ships in the area.向该地区所有船只发送了无线电讯息。In sailing ships some knots were so complicated that some trainee seamen became frantic with confusion.帆船上有一些绳结非常复杂,以至于一些实习海员因感到困惑变得狂暴起来。There was an icebreaker clearing a passage for ships through the ice.有一条破冰船为船只破冰开道。Two small ships were sent to scout for information about the enemy.两艘小船被派去搜寻敌人的信息。Their ships in American ports sometimes auctioned off whole cargoes to the highest bidder, undercutting American prices.他们在美国港口的船只有时将整船货物拍卖给出最高价者,售价低于美国的价格。Supply ships have started arriving at ports along the East coast.物资供应船只已经开始抵达东海岸港口。The wreck is a danger to other ships.这艘沉船对其他船只是个威胁。The ships wailed dismally to one another.几条船凄凉地相互鸣响汽笛。A blockade of all the harbors of that country would require thousands of war-ships.封锁那个国家的所有港口需要成千上万艘战舰。Several aircraft and ships have vanished without trace in the notorious Bermuda Triangle.几架飞机和几艘轮船在恶名远扬的百慕大三角消失得无影无踪。Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships.与货船相比,渡船马力大而且易操纵。Our merchant ships are always undermanned.我们的商船老是缺员。




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