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词汇 shine
例句 Don't shine the flashlight in my face!别用手电筒照我的脸!Did you shine at school?.你上学时成绩优秀吗?He'd polished the table to a brilliant shine.他把桌子擦得锃亮。Don't worry. We'll be there – rain or shine.别担心,我们会去的 — 风雨无阻。Once she relaxed, her talent really began to shine through.一旦放松下来,她的才能就真的开始展现出来了。We'll definitely come to Tuesday's meeting, rain or shine.我们一定来参加星期二的会议,风雨无阻。The boy gave his shoes a shine.男孩擦亮了自己的鞋。The boss immediately took a shine to the new secretary.老板一下子就对新秘书产生好感。Normally companies have one business plan, and come rain or shine, no changes are made.通常公司都有一套经营计划,无论出现什么情况,都不会改变。Prep pupils shine in national tests.在全国考试中预科学生表现突出。Take off your make-up and let your natural beauty shine through.抹掉你的化妆,显现你自然的美丽。My husband plays golf every weekend, rain or shine.我丈夫每个周末都打高尔夫,风雨无阻。Her honesty and sincerity positively shine out.她的诚实和诚恳是显而易见的。Wakey wakey, rise and shine!醒醒,醒醒,快起床!Your shoes could use a shine.你的鞋该擦一下了。Men shine up to her like moths to a light.男人们如同飞蛾扑灯一样对她献殷勤。Seems to me you've taken quite a shine to Miss Richmond.在我看来你对里士满小姐完全是一见钟情。Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.夜幕现在已经降临,晴朗的天空里月影婆娑,星光朦胧。I'll always love you, come rain or come shine. 无论发生什么,我都会一直爱你。Lucy's dark hair seemed to have lost its shine.露西的黑发好像失去了光泽。The Queen would emerge from the castle gate every day, come rain or shine.女王每天都会出现在城堡的大门口,风雨无阻。Frances took her daughter walking every day, rain or shine.弗朗西丝无论晴天还是下雨,每天都带女儿去散步。The play has a very strong cast, but two actors in particular shine out.这部戏的演员阵容十分强大,其中有两名尤为突出。The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it.那集装箱是隐形的,只有用紫外线照射才能看见。The party will be on Tuesday, rain or shine.聚会无论如何都会在周二举行。She managed to shine politically.她想方设法在政治上崭露头角。I think he's taken a bit of a shine to you.我想他立刻有点喜欢上你了。The sun was striking on the sea, making it shine.太阳照射着大海,发出粼粼波光。Come rain or shine, I'll see you on Thursday.无论如何我都要在星期四见到你。She really took a shine to her new neighbor.她真的开始喜欢新邻居了。We work outside every day, rain or shine.我们每天在外面干活,风雨无阻。She found a sport where she can really shine.她发现了一项自己真正擅长的运动。The wood had been recently polished to bring back the shine.木头最近抛过光,恢复了亮泽。The windows gleamed gold in the shine of the setting sun.窗子在落日的余晖中金光闪闪。The waxed floor had a good shine.打蜡地板闪闪发光。Peter didn't really shine at school.彼得在学校里表现并不突出。They polished their boots to a dazzling shine.他们把靴子擦得锃亮。He failed to shine academically.他在学业方面并不出众。The application of varnish made the desk shine.上了清漆桌子发亮了。The dog's coat had a beautiful shine.这只狗的皮毛泛着美丽的光泽。




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