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词汇 shifts
例句 The work shifts at the factory are staggered.这家工厂的作业班是错开的。Electronics factories that employ three shifts around the clock are exempted.采取三班倒的电子产品工厂可豁免。Then the scene shifts to the kitchen.接着镜头切换到了厨房。I hear a loud noise when the car shifts.车换挡时我听到巨大的噪声。His father worked shifts in a steel mill.他父亲是一家炼钢厂的轮班工人。I took a few overtime shifts this month.我这个月加了几次班。When he had gambled his money, he was put to shifts to live.他输光了钱就凑合着过日子。They can work night shifts during the week and very easily switch back to a daytime schedule for the weekend.他们周中可以上夜班,这样一来他们在周末就可以毫不费事地重新按白班的工作安排来走。Like many plays, this one shifts back and forth in time and place.和许多剧一样,这个剧也是在时空上来回变换。I didn't realize that I'd have to work shifts.我没想到我还得轮班。The thought of working night shifts put her off becoming a nurse.想到要上夜班,她就打消了当护士的念头。In this stage of a rape case, the focus often shifts onto the victim and her conduct.到了强奸案的这一阶段,注意力往往会转移到受害人及其行为上去。Overcrowding is so bad that prisoners have to sleep in shifts, while others have to stand.过度拥挤的现象十分严重,囚犯们不得不轮流睡觉,其他人则只能站着。To top up her salary she works extra shifts.她为了弥补工资不足还额外加班。Working parents are not allowed to refuse inconvenient shifts.上班的父母即使碰上时间不方便的轮班也不能拒绝。As the political emphasis shifts, Bulgaria will inevitably become more westernized.随着政治重心的转移,保加利亚将会不可避免地更加西方化。With technical guidance from professionals, they operate in shifts round the clock to keep tabs on the earth's pulsation.在专业人员的技术指导下,他们日夜轮班工作,监视着地壳的脉动。I feel sorry for the guys who have to work double shifts.我很同情那些两班倒的人。Call centre workers can arrange to work different shifts.呼叫中心的工作人员可以安排不同时间轮班。He doesn't mind if crews swap shifts.他不介意员工们相互调换轮班工作时间。I pulled two double shifts at the restaurant this week.这周我在餐馆上了两次两班制的班。He asked if we could switch shifts.他问我们是否可以调班。My husband changed his shifts from afternoons to nights.我丈夫已换了当班时间,从下午班变成了夜班。I agreed to work double shifts for a few weeks.我同意上几周双班。He worked alternate night and day shifts.他夜班日班交替做。The regulations call for working in three shifts.章程规定按三班制工作。He swapped shifts with an unmarried colleague.他与一位未婚的同事调换了轮班工作时间。




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