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词汇 shipping
例句 The discount balances out the shipping charge. = The discount and the shipping charge balance each other out. 折扣与运费相抵。The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.巴拿马运河是连接大西洋和太平洋至关重要的航道。He expanded the shipping trade and left a thriving business to his son.他拓展了船运行业,给儿子留下了一家欣欣向荣的公司。There are additional charges for shipping and handling.打包和运输要额外收费。The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.该公司用泡沫塑料包住牌匾,以防止其在运输过程中受损。They protected our shipping from submarines during wartime.战争期间他们保护我们的船舶不受潜艇攻击。Refuelling cargo planes in mid-air saves valuable time in shipping matériel to the front.通过给货机空中加油可以在将军需物品送往前线时节省宝贵的时间。This stretch of water is heavily used by shipping.这片水域航运繁忙。We are shipping for Hong Kong.我们乘船去香港。The furniture wasn't expensive but we spent a packet on shipping charges.家具不贵,却花了我们一大笔运费。He runs a transatlantic shipping line.他经营一家跨大西洋航运公司。I told her I was shipping out in two days.我告诉她两天后我将乘船出国。The shipping lane was blocked by an ice gorge.航道被冰块阻塞了。British shipping has decreased in recent years.英国的船舶吨数近年来已经减少了。Their possessions had all been packed into shipping crates.他们的物品都装进了运输包装箱里。The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.公司提供泡沫隔垫,在运输过程中保护药品免遭损害。Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory.贝蒂的第一份工作是在服装厂里当运务员。They sent naval forces to protect merchant shipping.他们派出了海军保护商船。After she jacked in the teaching, Jane got herself a job with a shipping line.简放弃教书以后在一家航运公司找了份工作。The port is closed to all shipping.这个港口已封港。The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping.希腊依然是世界航运业强有力的竞争者。They pack the meat in dry ice before shipping it.运输前他们将肉装入干冰中。The shipping trade was severely depressed.海运业非常不景气。The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping.希腊人依然是世界航运业强有力的竞争者。I cased my books for shipping.我把我的书装箱待运。The price is less online than at the store, but once you add shipping costs, it's a wash. 网上的价格比店里的便宜,但是只要你一加邮费,基本就扯平了。The items were carefully wrapped to protect them from damage during shipping.为避免在运输中被损坏,所有物品都经过了仔细包装。The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code.航运业公布了一条自律守则。Once a supplier joins the network, its shipping systems are integrated with the others.一旦供应商加入该网络,其运输系统就与其他供应商合成一体。The inflation kited shipping costs skyward.通货膨胀使海运费用扶摇直上。Their shipping has rights of ingress and regress through the Dardanelles.他们的船舶享有进入和再进入达达尼尔海峡的权利。The table was damaged in shipping.这张桌子在运输的时候被损坏了。What do you charge for shipping and handling? 货物打包和运输费是多少?The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world.撞船事故发生在全世界最繁忙的航道上。The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda.外交部愿意向海运公司支付将该船改道至百慕大的一切费用。This stretch of water carries a lot of shipping.这段河道承载大量的船运。The captain was just a scapegoat. The real villains were the people in charge of the shipping company.船长不过是替罪羊罢了。真正的问题出在航运公司的负责人身上。Nearly a fifth of the shipping had been sunk.将近五分之一的船只被击沉了。When the waves increased, the boat began shipping water.浪越来越大,舷侧开始进水了。The shipping documents will be handed to you against settlement of the amount shown.货运单据将在开列的款项付清后交付给你。




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