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In Freud's theory, the two areas of sexuality and violence are interconnected.按照弗洛伊德的理论,性和暴力这两个方面是相互联系的。She is comfortable with her sexuality.她对自己的性欲很满意。She oozes sexuality from every pore.她每个毛孔都散发着性感。The public is often judgmental about people's sexuality.公众常常对别人在性方面的问题指指点点。Gradually he came to understand and accept his own sexuality.渐渐地,他开始能理解并接受自己的性兴趣。His art features a volatile mix of sexuality and violence.他的艺术以性欲与暴力变幻莫测的组合为主题。He couldn't come to terms with his sexuality.他难以接受自己的性取向。Jack was very good-looking and exuded sexuality.杰克相貌英俊,性感迷人。She was uncomfortably aware of her son's developing sexuality.她意识到儿子的性萌动日渐增强,非常不安。I took part in a study on human sexuality.我参与了一项对人类性行为的研究。As an out lesbian, I don't think my sexuality is any of your business.我是个公开的女同性恋,我想我的性倾向与你无关。The play violates several taboos on sexuality.该剧违反有关性行为的几个禁忌。The constitution guarantees freedom from persecution on grounds of race, sex, or sexuality.宪法保障公民不因为种族、性别或性取向而遭受迫害。In Britain, the growing discussion of women's sexuality raised its own disquiet.在英国,对女性性欲的讨论日趋高涨,使得这一讨论本身就开始引起了不安。You may start out disconnected and frightened of your sexuality.刚开始时,你也许会对自己的性征感到疏离和恐惧。Attitudes towards sexuality have radically changed.对待性行为的态度发生了巨大的变化。Melanie Griffith seems to smoulder with sexuality.梅拉妮·格里菲思显得很性感。Teenagers are often confused about their sexuality, for example whether they are gay or straight.青少年往往会对自己的性倾向产生疑惑,比如说自己究竟是同性恋还是异性恋。The film explores male sexuality.该影片探究了男性的性行为。Her overt sexuality shocked movie audiences.她在影片中露骨的情色表演令观众大为震惊。He believes he has been discriminated against because of his sexuality.他认为他的性取向令他一直备受歧视。She possessed a confident sexuality beyond her years.她拥有超越年龄的自信与性感。Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.维多利亚时代几乎不允许女性表达自己的性欲望。Parker's column on teenage sexuality is right on.帕克关于青少年性问题的专栏很不错。The play's interest lies in the questions it raises about sexuality.这出戏有趣的地方在于它提出了性的问题。She has written a fascinating book on female sexuality.她写了一本有趣的书,是有关女性的性需求的。Greg has always been very open about his sexuality.格雷格对于自己的性事一向很坦率。These are two very different views of literature, which are parallel to two very different views of sexuality.这是两种截然不同的文学观点,它们对应的是对性的两种截然不同的态度。On one level, the story of Snow White is about a mother's jealousy of her daughter's beauty and sexuality.某种程度上,《白雪公主》讲的是一个母亲妒忌女儿漂亮而性感的故事。 |