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词汇 幼崽
例句 I was suddenly reminded of a tiger defending its cubs.这使我突然想起老虎保护幼崽的情景。Killer whale calves are usually born in the fall or winter.逆戟鲸的幼崽一般在秋天或冬天出生。The young of a wolf are called pups.狼的幼崽称作狼崽。The spring brings a flush of young animals to the farm.春天给农场带来了许许多多的动物幼崽Kangaroos carry their young in pouches.袋鼠将它们的幼崽放在育儿袋中。We saw a baby polar bear at the zoo.我们在动物园看到一只北极熊幼崽Lionesses are fiercely protective of their young.雌狮细心呵护自己的幼崽The dog nursed her puppies.狗给它的幼崽喂奶。The cat picked up her kitten by the scruff of its neck.猫咬住其幼崽的后颈把它叼了起来。The baby raccoon were orphans.这些浣熊幼崽都是孤儿。He was the runt of the litter. 它是那窝幼崽中最小的。Finding her offspring among thousands of lookalikes never panics a mother seal.在几千只十分相似的小海豹中找到自己的幼崽决难不倒母海豹。The number of young produced per breeding cycle varies from species to species.单个生育周期所产的幼崽数量因物种不同而有所不同。The male of this species assists the female in feeding the young.这一物种的雄性帮助雌性一起喂养幼崽The lioness flapped the cub with her paw.雌狮用爪子拍打着幼崽The cubs watched their mother's every move.这些幼崽紧盯着它们母亲的一举一动。The National Zoo's Tsing-Tsing fathered several panda cubs.国家动物园里的青青是好几只熊猫幼崽的父亲。




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