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词汇 sewn
例句 It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better.可以把它缝到窗帘的褶边里增加重量,使窗帘更有垂感。The hand-sewn quilts will be sold at a Christmas Craft Fair to raise funds for the arts project.这些手工缝制的被子将在圣诞工艺品展览会上出售,为艺术项目筹款。They seem to have the contest all sewn up.他们似乎对这次竞赛胸有成竹。I want to have the election sewn up even before I put my name on the list.我希望在候选登记之前就控制选举的大局。The edge was sewn with blanket stitch.边上用的是锁缝针法。It was a real race against time to get all the costumes sewn for the play.赶制演出的戏装真是如同与时间赛跑一样。This material was then put into cotton bags which were weighed and then sewn up.然后这些材料被放入棉布袋子里称重,接着再缝好。He had his partially severed ear sewn back on.他那撕裂了一半的耳朵给接上了。It looks like the Democrats have the election sewn up.看来这次选举民主党赢定了。The Italians think they've got it all sewn up.意大利人以为他们已稳操胜券。The children have personalized towels with their names sewn in.孩子们各自的毛巾上都绣着自己的名字。The hand was preserved in ice by neighbours and sewn back on in hospital.手被邻居用冰块保存起来了,在医院又被缝合好了。Their initials were sewn on the corner of every pillow.每个枕头的角上都绣着他们姓名的首字母。The dark blue sweater had imitation pearls sewn across the front.这件深蓝色的毛衣,前面缝着一些人造珍珠。The blazer has a shield sewn on the pocket.上装的口袋上缝着一个盾形徽章。It looks like he has the nomination all sewn up.看起来他获得提名已是万无一失。They felt they had the win/game sewn up. 他们感到这场比赛他们已经胜券在握。His hand was sewn back on in hospital.他的手在医院缝合了。He was completely sewn up after a day's work.一天工作之后,他已筋疲力尽。I called the real estate agent. The contract's been sewn up, and we can move into the apartment next week.我给房产经纪人打过电话了,合同已经订好,我们下星期就可以搬进公寓住了。The Italians think they've got it all sewn up.意大利人以为自己已稳操胜券。The mainsails are hand-cut and sewn from real sailcloth.主帆是用真正的厚篷帆布手工裁剪和缝纫而成的。The squares of fabric were all sewn neatly together.方块布片都用匀密的针脚缝在了一起。She had sewn colourful patches on her jeans.她往牛仔裤上缝了一些色彩斑斓的饰片。The deal should be sewn up in a week.这笔买卖一个星期后应该能够成交。The deal was sewn up by lunchtime.这笔交易在午餐前谈妥了。The cover is made from small patches of cloth sewn together.罩子是用小布块缝合在一起的。Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.这些衣服有很多内衬上缝有顾客的姓名签。The edges of the cloth should be turned in and sewn firmly.这块布的边应当折进并缝牢。She wore a jacket with bright patches sewn onto it.她穿了一件夹克,点缀着一些颜色鲜艳的补丁。The Democratic candidate appears to have the election sewn up.民主党看来已确信会在选举中获胜。The jewel was sewn into the lining of his coat.宝石被缝进了他的外套内衬里。




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