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例句 The man spent several years in gaol for robbery.这男人因犯抢劫罪而坐了几年牢。There have been several delays to southbound rail services.南行的火车有好几班误点。They began to make preparations several days in advance of her arrival.他们在她到达前几天就开始准备了。There are several presidential candidates.有数位总统候选人。I copied down several phone numbers from the list.我从名单上抄下几个电话号码。After 'Tom Sawyer', Twain went on to write several other classic books.继《汤姆・索亚历险记》之后,马克・吐温又创作了几部经典作品。He extracted several glossy prints and spread them out on a low coffee table.他掏出几张光面照片,将它们摆在一张矮茶几上。The medicine will not take action for several hours.药要在几小时后才会起作用。They were faced with several insurmountable obstacles/problems.他们面临几个不可逾越的障碍/难以解决的问题。One of the junior officers jumped several ranks.有一名下级军官跳升了好几级。 It was several months before the truth finally dawned on me.好几个月后我才终于明白了真相。She has published several dozen poems.她发表了几十首诗。The design incorporates several redundant features.这个设计方案包括了几个复置装置配置。She fell over several times, but came to no harm in the soft new snow.她摔倒了几次,但是新雪软软的,她没有受伤。Chef Nigel Crowther will expand the menu to include several vegetarian options.主厨奈杰尔・克劳瑟将扩充菜单,增加几个素食选项。He strode across several rain puddles on his way home.他在回家的路上跨过了好几个雨水坑。He made several conjectures about where his son might be.他就他儿子可能在何处作了好些猜测。It's an issue that can be viewed from several perspectives.这是一个可从多个角度来看待的问题。The group stayed together despite several dry years.尽管这几年没取得什么成就,但团队依然没有解散。He cropped several acres with barley.他种了几英亩大麦。The building has won several awards for its architectural design.该建筑物获得了多项建筑设计奖。The police arrested several antigovernment agitators.警方逮捕了几名反政府的煽动者。He made several indirect references to his opponent.他有几次隐晦地提到他的对手。There are several different ways to bind a book, for example you can stitch or stick the pages together.装订书籍的方法有几种,比如你可以将书页缝在一起或粘在一起。She's won several important singles titles this year.她今年拿了好几个重要赛事的单项冠军。He spent several brief stretches in jail for minor offences.他因轻罪在牢里服过几次短刑。His work is included in several major collections.他的作品收录在几本重要的文集里。The salience of these facts was questioned by several speakers.这些因素的相关性受到了几位演讲者的质疑。The generator provides enough electricity to power several homes.这台发电机可以给好几个家庭提供足够的电力。There are several ways to achieve/accomplish the same end.完成同一目标有几种方法。After rejecting several marriage proposals, he has been stigmatized as a male chauvinist pig.在拒绝了几次婚姻的提议之后,他被污名化为沙文主义的猪。As a racing driver, he was involved in many serious crashes and had cheated death on several occasions.作为一名赛车手,他经历了多次严重的撞车事故,好几次都死里逃生。There has been no contact between them for several years.他们有几年没联系了。I made several attempts to repair the damage, but gave up in the end.我几次试图修理破损的地方,但最后都放弃了。I wrote to Donna several months ago, but she hasn't written back yet.我几个月前给唐娜写过信,但她还没有回信。After several brief hesitations he proceeded.几次简短的停顿后,他继续进行。There have been several tragic rail accidents. The government must act quickly to remedy this situation.铁路惨剧多次发生,政府必须立即采取行动消除这种情况。He wrote several ballets.他写过几首芭蕾舞曲。Their downfall was the result of several bad decisions.他们的失败源于几次糟糕的决定。The plan will be put into place over the course of several months.这项计划将在几个月内启动。




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