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词汇 senseless
例句 The suicide was described as a senseless waste of a young woman's life.这起自杀案被人形容为一个年轻女子对生命毫无意义的浪费。The branch of a tree knocked one of the riders senseless.树枝撞得一名骑手昏了过去。Smashing up trains is such a senseless form of vandalism.砸毁火车是毫无意义的破坏行为。I was horrified by the senseless and sanguinary violence.这种毫无意义的血腥暴力行为使我毛骨悚然。It was a completely senseless act of violence.这是完全不可理喻的暴力行为。They were knocked to the ground, beaten senseless and robbed of their wallets.他们遭重拳击倒在地,被打得不省人事,钱包也被抢走了。They beat him senseless. = He was beaten senseless. 他们把他打得不省人事。He lay there senseless.他躺在那儿,不省人事。She was beaten senseless and left for dead.她给打得失去知觉,然后被扔下等死。He drank himself senseless.他醉得不省人事。The blow knocked her senseless.那一击把她打昏了。The thugs beat him senseless with a baseball bat.暴徒用棒球棒把他打得失去了知觉。There was growing opposition to the war and its senseless waste of life.反对战争和无谓地牺牲生命的呼声日益高涨。If your child is thirsty for learning, then it is senseless to hold her back.如果你的孩子渴望学习,那就不要毫无益处地进行阻拦。Then I saw my boy lying senseless on the floor.然后我看见儿子人事不知地躺在地板上。It was a senseless and cruel murder.这是一桩无谓而残酷的凶杀案。I was knocked senseless by the fall. 我摔了一跤,撞到头部,失去了知觉。NATO today condemned the incident, calling it a senseless and cowardly act.北约组织今天谴责了该事件,称其是毫无意义和懦弱的行为。They preferred to drink themselves senseless.他们宁愿把自己喝得晕晕乎乎。Nothing can justify the gunmens’ senseless acts of vengeance.没有理由可以合理解释枪手的这种丧失理智的报复行为。Her death seemed such a senseless waste of life.她的死好像就是无谓地浪费生命。His dreams were senseless and inchoate.他的梦想根本行不通,很不成熟。The collision knocked him unconscious/senseless. 他被撞得失去了知觉。A heavy blow with a club knocked him senseless.棍棒的一下重击把他打昏过去。He fell down senseless, missing the bed by a mile.他在离床还很远的地方倒下了,不省人事。It was a senseless thing to do so.这样做毫无意义。




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