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词汇 sending
例句 The courts are sending fewer offenders to prison.法院判处收监的犯人在减少。A flurry of substitutions then followed the sending-off.罚人下场之后进行了一系列人员调整。We are sending out samples in the hope of gaining comments.我们正在寄送样品,以期征求意见。The UN is sending peace monitors to the area.联合国将派遣和平监督员到该地区。Ground controllers will then fire the booster, sending the satellite into its proper orbit.地面控制器届时将助推器点火,把卫星送入预定轨道。I'll be sending Nurse Hopkins along.我派霍普金斯护士来。She made a point of sending a birthday present to her best friend.她特意为她最好的朋友寄去了生日礼物。He thought of sending an e-mail but decided against it.他本来想发一封电子邮件,但是后来决定不发了。Concerning sending man to the Moon price very high at present.就目前来说把人送上月球代价太高了。The show was very funny - they were sending up sports commentators.表演十分滑稽——他们在模仿体育评论员的样子。I am packing it up preparatory to sending it by post.我正在把它包好,准备邮寄。Officials at the White House were sending reporters on a wild-goose chase.白宫官员们在把记者引入迷魂阵。The sending off of Voight enraged the crowd.把沃特罚下场激怒了观众。The US is sending additional troops to the region.美国正向该地区增兵。A local firm has agreed to meet the cost of sending ten lucky prize-winners on a dream holiday.当地一家公司已经同意支付费用,送十名幸运的获奖者参加梦幻之旅。The pagan winter solstice celebration was a time for sending gifts.异教徒冬至庆祝日是送礼物的时候。The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education.伦敦两所高校的举动给高等教育界带来了深远的影响。He had been sending coded messages to the enemy.他一直给敌人发送密码信息。He cleans the chimney by sending up a big brush.他用一把大刷子往上捅烟囱。He swung round suddenly, sending the papers on his desk flying.他突然转过身来,把他桌上的文件带得飞散。The government is sending aid to flood victims.政府正在向洪水灾民运送救援物资。I am sending your medical records as requested. 我正按照要求发送您的病历。They postponed sending an answer to a request.他们耽搁了对一项请求的答复。You're saying they are sending too many people to prison?你是说他们把太多人关进了监狱?The US is sending troops overseas in order to keep the peace.美国向海外派兵维持和平。Families could use the money as a contribution towards the cost of sending their children to a public school.这些家庭可以把这笔钱当作捐款,用于支付送孩子们上公立学校的费用。You should pack it up preparatory to sending it by post.在邮寄之前你应该把它包好。He kept sending gifts and assured her that they were merely small tokens of his appreciation.他不断送她礼物,并向她保证说这些只是为了略表谢意。The United Nations is sending a special envoy to the area.联合国将向该地区派遣一位特使。Officials are sending troops to stop the takeover.官员们命令军队去阻止接管。They rely heavily on sending long balls into the box.他们很依赖长传入禁区的打法。Linda and I stay in touch by sending occasional postcards.我与琳达偶尔寄张明信片来保持联系。Employees can be dismissed for sending obscene emails.员工发送淫秽电子邮件会遭到解雇。They plan to launch an air offensive before sending in ground troops.他们打算在派出地面部队之前先发动空中攻势。They're sending the results next week, so I won't know anything until then.他们下周把结果送来,所以这以前我什么都不会知道。He kept sending gifts and assured her that they were merely small tokens of his appreciation…他不断送她礼物,并向她保证说这些只是为了略表谢意。A log in the fire broke, sending out a shower of sparks.火里边有根木头崩裂了,火星四溅。The US is sending a trade mission to China.美国将派一个贸易代表团去中国。We are sending out samples in hopes of gaining comments.我们正在寄送样品,以期征求意见。Dick had been an accident by sending over flowers.迪克送花来,真是出人意料。




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