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This machine isn't working, get a mechanic to see to it.这台机器坏了,找技工来修理一下吧。Please be so kind as to see to it that all the alterations are made at once!.请务必立即执行变更!Will you please see to it that this work is finished by the end of the week.请你确保这项工作一定要在周末以前完成。I'll see to it first thing in the morning.我明天一早就办。We'll see to it that she gets home early.我们一定要使她早早回到家。I'll see to it that Walter gets your message.我会确保沃尔特收到你的口信的。I'll see to it that everything is ready on the day.我会确保处理好那一天的一切事情。Can you see to it that everyone gets a copy of this memo?你能确保每人都有一份备忘录吗? |