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词汇 seem
例句 I seem to spend half my life cleaning up after those kids.我似乎花了大半辈子时间跟在这些孩子身后收拾整理。Why did she do a thing like that? It doesn't seem to make sense.她为什么做那种事情?这似乎讲不通。You seem rather unenthusiastic about it.你好像对这事很不热心。They seem to have a flaming row at least once a week.他们好像至少每周都要大吵一次。I couldn't seem to hit the ball straight.我好像没法直接击中那个球。They seem to have no coherent plan for saving the company.他们似乎没有一个协调一致的挽救公司的计划。He twisted my words and made it seem like I was angry.他歪曲了我的话,让别人感觉我似乎很生气。These problems now seem fairly common.这些问题现在看起来很普通了。I seem to have been on the go all day.我似乎整天一直忙忙碌碌。People seem to think that just because I'm retired, I'm past it.人们似乎认为我退休了就不中用了。The press doesn't seem to be very well informed.新闻界似乎并不是消息很灵通。Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced the letter.哎呀,我好像忘了把信放在什么地方了。Even minor problems seem important.即使小问题看来好像也很重要。Oddly enough, he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.说也奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。My keys seem to have vanished/disappeared into thin air. 我的钥匙似乎是不翼而飞了。Many of its practices seem anachronistic.它的很多习俗显得落伍过时。Children today seem less willing to seek out challenges and persevere in the face of adversity.现在的孩子似乎不大愿意寻求挑战,在逆境面前坚持不懈。Jim and Beth seem to spend all their time arguing.吉姆和贝丝好像整天都在争吵。We just seem to be replaying the same old arguments.我们的争论好像在老调重弹。You all seem too crowded up close together.你们大家似乎靠得太紧了。All your papers seem to be in order.你所有的文件似乎都办妥了。Coffee shops seem to be popping up everywhere.咖啡店现在似乎随处可见。The elevator doesn't seem to be working - let's take the stairs.电梯好像坏了,我们走楼梯吧。You seem to be harbouring / harboring some resentment against your boss.你好像对你的老板心存怨恨。The situation doesn't seem to be getting any better.形势似乎并未有任何好转。Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to agree.既然看来难以达成一致,咱们还是停止谈论这个话题吧。I seem to be having a lucky streak.我似乎现在正在走远。He didn't want to seem unhelpful.他不想显出不合作的样子。Every time I talk to her, we seem to get on/onto the subject of work. 每次我和她说话,似乎都会谈到工作。Republicans are furious that the Democrats currently seem to be making all the running.现在民主党人好像成了领头羊,这让共和党人非常愤怒。In years to come, some of the practices we take for granted now will seem quite barbaric.到了将来,我们现在的一些被认为理所当然的做法会显得相当野蛮。Their behaviour may seem insulting, but don't rise to the bait and get cross.他们的行为也许看似无礼,但是别上钩,不要生气。They seem to be getting into arguments more and more often.他们似乎越来越频繁地陷入争吵。I'd like to do more gardening, but I never seem able to find the time.我想多干点园艺活,可似乎总是找不到时间。The disappearance is so sudden as to seem magical.消失得如此突然,好像变魔术似的。As transportation improves, distances seem to lessen.随着运输的进步,距离似乎缩短了。Things seem bad, but we live in hope.事情似乎很糟,但我们抱有希望。Ministers seem to have lost all grip of the situation.部长们似乎对形势已经完全失去了掌控。They seem to be able to just shuck off guilt.他们似乎总能洗脱罪名。They were really excited about the project, but now they seem to have gone off the boil.当初他们对这个项目非常感兴趣,可现在似乎已经没有激情了。




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