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例句 Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable.你在陈列柜中所见到的瓷器大多数是独一无二的。Plants set seed in order to perpetuate themselves.植物结种子以延续生命。Students can confidentially report any problems they see in their schools.学生在学校里发现任何问题,都可以秘密举报。I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.我不能马上就给你举出确切的数据,不过这些数据可以在报告中查到。Cats have the ability to see in very dim light.猫能在极暗淡的光线下看见东西。Frankly, I don't know what Paul sees in her.坦白地说,我不知道保罗看上她什么了。A lot of what you see in stand-up comedy today is very derivative.如今人们看到的单人喜剧表演好多内容都是沿袭前人。I don't know what you see in him, I think he's boring.我不明白你看中他什么,我觉得他很沉闷。You should see in the paper.你应该查阅一下报纸。I'm buggered if I know what she sees in him.我确实不知道她看中他的哪一点。I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost.我把种子种在几盆掺有堆肥的土里。You will see in this clip how well she acts.在这个片段里你会看到她的表演有多好。I see in the paper that the government lost a vote in Parliament.我从报上得悉政府在一次议会投票选举中失败。I don't know what she sees in that pasty-faced loser.我不知道她看中那个脸色苍白的失败者的哪一点。It's something you would never see in the normal/ordinary course of events. 这是你在正常情况下绝对看不到的事情。The image you see in the mirror.你在镜子中看到的映像If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。I can't understand what she sees in that clown.我不明白她看中了那个蠢货什么。People's political beliefs are shaped by what they see in the papers.人们的政治观点受报纸的影响。I can't imagine what you see in him.我想象不出你看中他哪一点。He lit a match so they could see in the cave.他点了根火柴,这样他们就能在山洞里看得见。Whatever does she see in him - he's horrible!她究竟看中了他什么——他真让人反感!The rattlesnake can see in the dark and makes no noise as it glides along.响尾蛇在黑暗中也能看见,而且移动的时候没有声音。He's so boring - I don't know what she sees in him.他这个人特别无趣——我不明白她看上他哪一点。Tomato plants can be raised from seed in a heated greenhouse.番茄可以用种子放在加热温室里培植。You don't see a vibe like you see in Manchester on a Saturday night in any other city in western Europe.在西欧其他任何城市的星期六晚上,你都无法看到像曼彻斯特这样的景象。What we'll see in the future is, in fact, a continuation of that trend.事实上,将来我们看到的是那种趋势的延续。She is one singer who I would like to see in concert.她是我喜欢在音乐会上见到的一名歌手。It's surprising how many joggers you see in the park in the mornings.早上在公园里竟能看到这么多人在慢跑,真让人吃惊。He's such a goof. I don't know what she sees in him.他如此笨,我不知道她看中他什么。People can see in from the street.人们可以从街上看到屋里。It was difficult to see in the dim light.光线很昏暗,看不太清楚。Cats can see in the dark.猫在黑暗中能看见东西。She dug several tiny holes in the soil, planting a seed in each.她在土里挖了几个小洞,每个洞里都种上一颗种子。There's plenty to do and see in New York.在纽约有很多可做的事和可看的东西。It was getting dark and she could scarcely see in front of her.天色越来越黑,她几乎看不见前面。Place the seed in the hole and cover with soil.把种子放进小坑里,再培上土。You have to wonder just what he sees in her.你不由得会想他究竟看上她什么了。Too often we make decisions based solely upon what we see in the magazines.太多的时候,我们仅仅根据在杂志上面所看到的东西就作出了决定。You can see in him the marks of an educated man.从他身上你可以看到受过教育的人的特点。




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