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He is best known for helping to bring down the government with a drip-feed of sex scandal stories.他因为用一个个的性丑闻慢慢把政府搞垮而闻名。Let me recite the names of the pupils who have not been absent this term.现在我来一个个报出本学期不曾缺席的学生的名字。There are a few problems, but let's take one thing at a time.现在有一些问题,不过我们得一个个来处理。The students walked single file out of the classroom.学生们一个个地走出了教室。After the storm, the road was covered in deep puddles.暴风雨过后,马路上布满了一个个深水洼。With each wave, more water slopped into the cabin.随着一个个浪头打来,更多的水漫进了船舱。When the children saw the snow they celebrated.孩子们看见了雪一个个兴高采烈。We like him personally, but professionally he's incompetent.作为一个个人,我们是喜欢他的,但在业务上他是不胜任的。The car takes the corners very smoothly.汽车平稳地驶过一个个拐角。The moon's surface was pocked with craters.月球的表面有一个个凹坑。The officers sometimes have to winkle idlers out of toilets.警察有时不得不把一个个二流子从厕所里赶出去。On the envelopes had been stamped the outlines of Santa Claus, holly, and a reindeer.信封上盖着一个个印,有圣诞老人的形状,有冬青树的形状,还有驯鹿的形状。Plagiarists have vexed school officials since the dawn of the term paper.自从开始写学期论文以来,一个个的抄袭者就让校方大为头疼。Questions started buzzing round in my head.我脑子里冒出一个个的问题。We passed long, hot afternoons pitching a baseball.我们投棒球玩打发了一个个漫长而炎热的下午。One of the ploughed fields was lumped up for melon planting.在一块犁过的地上垛起一个个土堆准备种瓜。I watched bombs obliterate the villages.我看着炸弹摧毁了一个个村庄。The process can be broken down into a number of discrete steps.这个流程可分解为一个个单独的步骤。It's sometimes hard to differentiate one sample from another.有时候很难把样品一个个区分开来。The chandelier glittered, its crystal teardrops like small golden suns.大吊灯晶莹璀璨,它的水晶坠子犹如一个个金色的小太阳。He killed them with a clean shot to their heads.他对准脑壳,将他们一个个击毙。Just leave me alone, will you? Why don't you go and pick on someone your own size?别惹我,行吗?你怎么不找一个个头儿和你差不多的呢?She got rid of her victims one by one, with cold and calculated precision.她一个个地除掉了她的迫害对象,手法冷酷,计划精到。The wall was painted with little squares to give the appearance of mosaic.墙面漆成一个个小方格,看上去像马赛克的样子。Cakes of ice slowly dissolved into puddles.冰块慢慢地融化成一个个水洼。The chicks were just balls of yellow fluff.那些小鸡还只是一个个黄色的绒毛球。The road was blocked by snowdrifts.一个个雪堆阻塞了道路。Every single employee turned up at the meeting, even people who usually stayed away.所有雇员一个个不落都参加了会议,甚至平常不去开会的人都去了。As the tide came in, water collected to form small pools among the rocks.潮水一涨进来,水便积聚起来,在岩石中形成一个个小水坑。Barbara is / has a very forceful personality.芭芭拉是一个个性很强的人。His friends dropped off one by one.他的朋友们一个个地离去。The boy sat down and began to poke little holes in the sand.那男孩坐下来开始在沙子里戳出一个个的小洞。In her later works, large, amorphous shapes seem to float on the canvas.她后期的作品中,一个个大大的、说不清楚是什么形状的图案就好像漂浮在画布上似的。Kenny's favourite party trick is to bite the caps off beer bottles.肯尼在聚会上最爱露一手的把戏是把啤酒瓶盖一个个咬开。She picked her way between the puddles.她小心翼翼地绕过一个个水坑。She watched the bubbles rise to the surface.她看着一个个气泡升上表面。Mother is stacking the plates in the kitchen.母亲在厨房里把盘子一个个叠起来。Messengers on horseback relayed battle plans to the front lines.信使们骑马为前线送去了一个个作战计划。We are dealing not only with single cells but with groups of cells.我们不仅在研究一个个的细胞,还在研究一组组的细胞。Soon the bombers would return, black silhouettes against a pale sky.轰炸机很快会再来,灰蒙蒙的天空又会出现一个个黑色的轮廓。 |