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词汇 security forces
例句 The security forces are casting their net wider.安全部队正在布下更大的网。The security forces entered the IRA's no-go areas.安全部队进入了爱尔兰共和军的禁区。A British contingent was sent to assist the security forces.一队英国士兵被派去协助安全部队。The security forces increased their patrols in the area.安全部队加强了对该地区的巡逻。These laws allow the security forces to continue to ride roughshod over the human rights of the people.这些法律允许安全部队继续践踏人权。The terrorists have signalled their willingness to negotiate with the security forces.恐怖分子已经表示愿意同安全部队谈判。The security forces counter-attacked the following day.次日,安全部队发起了反击。The security forces made a tactical withdrawal from the area.安全部队已从该地区战术性撤军。Militants have intensified their attacks on the security forces.武装分子已经加强了对安全部队的攻击。The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.安全部队不得不介入,以防止局势进一步恶化。He admitted the security forces might have made some mistakes, as he put it.他承认安全部队,按他的话说,可能犯了一些错误。They have had effective control of the area since the security forces left.自从安全部队撤离后,他们实际上控制了该地区。The security forces have extensive powers of search and arrest.安全部队拥有搜查和逮捕的至高权力。The police say he had no connection with the security forces.警方说他与安全部队没有关系。The civilian population were suffering greatly at the hands of the security forces.在治安部队管辖下,平民吃了不少苦。The security forces seem to be able to abuse human rights with impunity.安全部队似乎可以践踏人权而不受惩罚。Critics say he allowed the police and security forces to disregard human rights.批评人士称,他放任警察和安全部队漠视人权。The government must weed out criminal elements from within the security forces.政府必须清除安保部队中的犯罪分子。While the government said the fire was accidental, residents of the town alleged it was the handiwork of the security forces.虽然政府称火灾是场意外,镇上的居民却断言这是保安部队的杰作。These laws allow the security forces to ride roughshod over the human rights of the people.这些法律允许安全部队践踏人权。The security forces have formed a cordon around the apartment.安全部队在公寓周围设置了警戒线。He said the security forces would continue to crack down hard on the protestors.他说安全部队会继续严厉镇压抗议者。The civilian population were suffering greatly at the hands of the security forces.老百姓吃尽了安全部队的苦头。Recent violence has made it necessary for security forces to take drastic measures.近来的暴力事件使安全部门有必要采取严厉的措施。The security forces counter-attacked the following day and quelled the unrest.第二天安全部队发起反击,镇压了骚动。The shooting happened while the man was trying to evade capture by the security forces.枪击发生时,该名男子正试图躲避安全部队的抓捕。The security forces sighted a group of young men that had crossed the border.安全部队突然看见一群越过边境的年轻人。Protesters marched into the governor's office, taking security forces by surprise.抗议者们涌进了州长办公室,让保安人员措手不及。According to inside information, many members of the security forces are concerned about this problem.据内部消息,保安部队中有许多人对此问题很关心。The security forces were doing all they could to thwart terrorists.安全部队正在尽全力阻止恐怖分子的袭击。The Turkish security forces have started searching for the missing men.土耳其安全部队已经开始搜寻失踪人员。He urged restraint on the security forces.他力主对安全部队设限。A member of the security forces was killed in a sniping incident.有一名安全部队成员在一场狙击战中被打死。The security forces are now on full alert.安全部队现在处于全面警戒状态。The security forces had made a tactical withdrawal from the area.安全部队已从该地区战术性撤军。Crowds appeared at the arraignments, clashing with security forces.传讯时,人群和安全部队发生了冲突。This is one of the most fraught weekends of the year for the security forces.这是一年中最令安全部队紧张不安的周末之一。




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