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词汇 secure
例句 The garage provides a secure home for your car.你的车可以安全地停放在车库里。They are trying to secure immigrant status for their families.他们正在争取保住家庭的移民身份。The dug-outs were secure from everything but a direct hit.除非被直接击中,否则这些地下掩体是非常安全的。If your password gets known by anyone else, your data may not be secure.如果你的密码被别人知道了,你的资料就会不安全。People like to feel secure in their own homes.人们喜欢自己的家里有安全感。Here in the vault the necklace was secure.项链在银行保管库里被妥善保管着。Personnel files are kept in secure storage.人事档案存放在安全的地方。We need to make our network more secure against attacks by hackers.我们要让网络变得更安全,不受黑客袭击。Check that the leads to the battery are secure.检查一下连接电池的引线是否接牢。The party has always attempted to secure an orderly succession of leaders.该党一直试图确立领袖的有序继承制度。Her lawyer managed to secure her release from custody.她的律师设法使她从拘押中获得释放。The sand no longer gave men a secure footing.沙子已让人无法站稳脚跟。Scouts were dispatched to secure the area.为确保该地区安全已派出侦察人员巡查。You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and more secure.你可以在国外找一份工作,那里与环境相关的工作报酬更高,也更稳定。Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.所有人都有权拒绝不合理的搜查和收缴。We invested in gold, secure in the knowledge that the metal would retain its value.我们投资了黄金,确信这种金属会保值。Check joints are secure and the wood is sound.检查一下连接处是否稳固及木料是否结实。He found a secure foothold and pulled himself up.他找到了一个稳当的踏脚处并爬了上去。Check that all windows and doors are secure.检查一下,看门窗是否都关严了。They aimed to secure a lasting reconciliation between the two countries.他们致力于确保两国之间长久的和睦关系。Shelves are only as secure as their fixings.架子的牢固程度取决于固件。Make your home more secure with our burglar alarm system.使用我们的防盗报警系统,使你的家庭更加安全。Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him, the Chancellor is secure in his post.尽管有越来越多的人借机恶意抨击财政大臣,他的职位仍很稳固。We must secure the country's borders.我们必须保卫国家的边境。By focusing on quality rather than price, Bangalore's firms hope to secure higher profit margins.班加罗尔市的公司从质量而不从价格着眼,希望获得更高的利润。Try and make your house as secure as you possibly can.要采取措施使房子尽可能的安全。Only accredited journalists are permitted in the secure area.只有得到授权的记者才被允许进入这个安全区。Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business?你放弃稳定的工作去开办公司是不是有点太冒险了?New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers.新技术应提供一种防黑客的安全防火墙。The old couple lived a quiet, secure life.老夫妇俩过着平静安定的生活。Graham's achievements helped secure him the job.出色的成绩帮助格雷厄姆拿下了这份工作。He believes his job is secure.他认为自己的工作很稳当。I was secure in the belief/knowledge that I had done all I could. 我深知自己已经尽力了。Police are investigating a raid on a secure compound.警方正在调查一起发生在一处严密把守的区域中的袭击事件。Federal leaders continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.联邦政府的领导人们继续他们争取停火的努力。The important thing is that children feel secure about being loved.重要的是,被人疼爱使孩子感到安全。Since he couldn't secure his party's nomination, he was forced to run as a write-in.由于得不到他所在党派的提名,他被迫作为非正式候选人参加竞选。You can access your bank account online using a secure password.你可以通过安全密码进入自己的网上银行账户。I'd hate to think my job would not be secure if I left it temporarily.一想到如果我暂时离开,这份工作有可能保不住,我就觉得很难过。You should store your valuables in a secure place.你应该把贵重物品存放在一个安全的地方。




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