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词汇 searched
例句 The lawyer searched out the weaknesses in the witness's statement.律师找出了证人供词中的漏洞。The police searched the area for clues but came up empty. 警方搜查了这个区域,但没找到任何线索。The historian searched for primary sources of information about the past.历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源。I have searched high and low for shoes that will fit me properly.我已经四处搜寻合脚的鞋了。Kate desperately searched her mind for some excuse.凯特绞尽脑汁想找个借口。All visitors to the prison are searched to make sure they're clean.所有探监者都要被搜身,以确保未私带违禁品。The police searched the length and breadth of the country.警方搜遍了全国各地。He searched through the ruins of his childhood for the cause of his unhappiness.他梳理自己不幸的童年,寻找不快乐的根源。She searched the Web for information about the car.她上网搜索这辆车的信息。We searched the house from top to bottom.我们把屋子上上下下找了个遍。He searched for a sign of recognition on her face, but there was none.他试图在她的脸上找出一丝认出他的神情,但是根本没有。The police searched her for concealed weapons.警察对她进行了搜身,看是否藏有武器。He served as the college's interim president while the committee searched for a permanent replacement.委员会在寻找正式接替者期间,由他担任学院的临时院长。The police had searched the house from cellar to rafter.警察已把那座房子上上下下搜遍了。I was taken to police headquarters where I was stripped and searched.我被带到警察局,在那里我被剥光衣服搜身。They were strip-searched at the airport.他们在机场被光身搜查了。She searched for information on the Web.她上网搜索信息。Police searched the building but couldn't find the escapee.警察搜查了这座建筑物,但未找到逃犯。The bird's head bobbed up and down as it searched for food.鸟觅食时不断点头。The area has been thoroughly searched.这个地区被彻底搜查了一番。They searched far and wide for the missing child.他们四处搜寻失踪的小孩。They searched for survivors but it was hopeless.他们搜寻生还者,但没有什么希望。Anya searched his face anxiously.阿妮娅焦急地察看他脸上的表情。Her eyes searched the ground.她用目光搜寻地面。I searched a few websites, but couldn't find the information I was looking for.我找了几个网站,但是没有找到我所要的信息。We searched far and wide for the lost cat.我们到处找那只丢失的猫。She searched her memory for their names.她努力回想他们的名字。The policeman had me put my hands against the car while his partner searched me.那个警察让我把手撑在车上,同时他的搭档对我进行搜身。He searched his room for his wallet.他在房间里翻找他的钱包。We have searched out all the facts you need.我们已经查到了你所需要的全部资料。I've searched far and wide for the book and I still can't find it.我到处寻找该书,结果仍然没能找到。They searched for a place where they could live in solitude.他们寻找一个可以过隐居生活的地方。Police boarded and searched the vessel.警察登船搜查。We searched every inch of the house. 我们搜遍了整栋房子。We searched everywhere but we couldn't find the keys.我们到处都找了,可就是找不到钥匙。For the rest of the morning he searched aimlessly through the town.上午余下的时间里,他在镇上漫无目标地四处搜寻。We searched in vain for the missing earring. 我们寻找丢失的耳环,不过是白费力气。I searched around for a thick stick.我四处搜寻,想找根粗点儿的棍子。He searched his closet for something to wear.他在衣柜里翻找衣服穿。He searched every room in the house.他搜查了这房子的每一个房间。




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