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This problem cries out for a long-term, open-minded, systematic search.这个问题十分需要长期的、不带偏见的、系统的探索研究。They are a lost generation in search of an identity.他们属于迷惘的一代,想要找寻自我。The FBI barged through the gates, demanding to search the plant for evidence.联邦调查局的探员破门而入,要求在工厂内搜寻证据。The lawyer argued that there was a lack of probable cause for a search warrant.律师认为签发搜查令缺乏合理根据。They made a long search for the lost child.他们花很长时间寻找失踪的孩子。Police say they have made a breakthrough in their search for the killer of Diane Sutton.警方称他们在寻找杀害黛安娜·萨顿的凶手方面有了重大进展。The search led to the discovery of a headless torso in the woods.经过搜索,在树林里发现了一具无头尸体。Her search took her on an incredible journey across the world.她的搜寻把她带上了一次非凡的环球之旅。Rescue workers are digging through the rubble in search of other victims.救援人员正在废墟中挖掘,以搜寻其他受害者。She gave up a good job in the city to move to the country in search of the good life.她放弃了城里的好工作,搬到乡下去追求美好生活。Police conducted a neighborhood-wide search for the suspect. 警方在整个社区范围内搜索嫌疑犯。Policemen made a snap search of the suspect house.警察突击搜查那座可疑的住宅。Rescuers had to call off the search because of worsening weather conditions.因为天气越来越糟,营救人员只得停止搜索。Auctioneers often scrape the barrel in search of things to sell.拍卖商常常翻箱倒柜搜罗东西来卖。Helicopters continued to search for others who had climbed trees to escape from the flood waters.直升机继续搜寻其他为躲避洪水而爬到树上去的人。The money enabled her to hire a private detective to search for evidence that would clear him.这些钱能让她雇一个私人侦探,帮助他寻找证据洗清罪名。Mr Porter was subjected to a degrading strip-search.波特先生被迫接受有辱人格的裸身搜查。It was a fruitless search.搜寻工作毫无结果。The general manager promised to search into the matter.总经理答应深入调查此事。The search party broke up into smaller units.这支搜索队分成了几个小组。The abduction sparked a house-to-house search in the Willenhall area.绑架案引发了威伦霍尔地区挨家挨户的搜查。We were too tired to search out extra blankets.我们太累了,不愿意再去翻几条毯子出来。I spent the next three hours in a fruitless search of her room.我接着对她的房间搜寻了三个小时却毫无收获。Thelma tottered from the stage in search of the gin bottle.特尔玛踉踉跄跄地从台子上下来找杜松子酒瓶。The search of the phone records yielded nothing.搜索电话记录一无所获。The police spread out to search the area faster.警察分散开来以便更迅速地搜查这个地区。Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.法医专家们对残骸进行了极其仔细的搜寻。Members of the search party will regroup in the morning.搜索队成员将在早上重新编队。Divers went down to search the wreck.潜水员下水去寻找残骸。They set off in search of the lost child.他们出发寻找失踪的孩子。Police are carrying out a thorough search of the area.警方正对该地区进行彻底搜查。A team of police officers did a fingertip search of the area.一队警员对该地区进行了地毯式搜索。Detectives have launched a massive poster campaign to help in the search for two killers.侦缉探员印发了大量的宣传材料和招贴海报,以帮助搜寻两名杀手。Forensic scientists are going over the victim's flat in a search for clues about the murderer.法医学家正在仔细检查受害人的公寓,以搜寻杀人凶手的蛛丝马迹。He renewed his search for his son the next morning.次日早晨,他继续寻找他的儿子。They suspected that he might be carrying a weapon and ordered a strip search.他们怀疑他可能携带武器,命令对其进行裸体搜查。They traveled to the temple in search of spiritual illumination.他们前往神庙寻求精神上的启迪。A military spokesman would not reveal the exact location of the search area.一位军方发言人不愿公开搜索地区的确切位置。He came in search of wealth, status, and power.他来寻找财富、名望和权力。They made a hurried search for the missing letters, but they couldn't find them.他们匆匆找了一下那些遗失的信件,但没找到。 |