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词汇 sculptor
例句 The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。The sculptor figured the girl in clay.雕塑家用粘土塑造了这个女孩子形象。This sculptor's favourite medium is stone.这位雕刻家爱用的材料是石头。Those interested in seeing more of the sculptor's work can visit the Sacre Monte museum.要是想看到这位雕塑家更多的作品可以去参观萨克雷·蒙特博物馆。Moore was enormously influential to me as a young sculptor.穆尔对我这个年轻的雕塑家有着巨大的影响。The sculptor chipped away/off bits of stone.雕刻家一点点地敲凿石料。She was highly regarded as a sculptor.她是位受人尊崇的雕刻家。The sculptor chipped away at the stone/marble.雕刻家一点点地敲凿石头/大理石。The sculptor transformed the block of wood into a statue.雕塑师将这块木料雕成了一尊塑像。With cunning hand the sculptor shaped the little statue.雕刻师以灵巧的手艺刻成了这个小巧的雕像。He is a sculptor who works mainly in stone.他是个雕刻家,以石雕为主。I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist.我认识一个雕刻家,她用自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。Your father opposed your wish to become a sculptor.你父亲反对你做雕刻家的愿望。The sculptor's chisel slowly eroded the stone slab.雕刻家的凿子慢慢地琢磨着石板。




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