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词汇 可谓
例句 The shoes rate high as far as comfort goes, but they're not very stylish.就其舒适度而言,这双鞋可谓很好,但款式不够漂亮。Windsor Castle is quite literally an antique treasure trove.温莎堡可谓是名副其实的古物宝藏。Soul food is a varied cuisine: it includes spicy gumbos, black-eyed peas, and collard greens.黑人的食物可谓五花八门:有辣味的秋葵汤,有豇豆,还有羽衣甘蓝叶。The two candidates are fairly evenly matched.两名候选人可谓势均力敌。It was an impressive debut for Jones, a newcomer who shows great promise.对于琼斯这位大有前途的新人来说,首次露面可谓是闪耀登场。She's been in seventh heaven ever since she landed the job.自她得到那个工作以来,她可谓是无比快乐。There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees.种树既实用又美观,可谓举两得。When it comes to exciting cities, New York is in a class of its own.说到令人兴奋的城市,纽约可谓是无与伦比。He is something of a fighter, and will certainly want to win.可谓是一个斗士,当然想赢。In South Africa, Jani was a big fish in a small pond.在南非,贾尼可谓塘中无鱼虾为大。In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable.考虑到霍布森不是科班出身的经济学家,他可谓是成就非凡。At the height of his fame, his every word was valued.在他名声鼎盛时,可谓句句千金。I have a wonderful family and a great job, so I feel that I have the best of both worlds.我有美满的家庭和不错的工作,真可谓两全其美。Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.我们的文化比他所了解的要复杂得多。可谓盘根错节。You will have to book well in advance for this deservedly popular hotel.这家备受欢迎的旅馆可谓名不虚传,你需要早早预订。I find England strange and unique and beautiful. And for me, London is the magnification of all that.我觉得英格兰可谓奇、绝、美。在我看来,伦敦在这些方面更为明显。His success was well-nigh unavoidable.他的成功可谓势在必得。He's had a good innings for someone with no proper training.作为一个未接受过正规训练的人,他可谓成就斐然。He was a flash in the pan whose second album didn't sell very well.可谓是昙花一现,第二张专辑的销量就不太好。This is a double whammy for public sector workers.对于公共部门的工作人员而言可谓祸不单行。The movie has become a bona fide cult phenomenon.这部电影真可谓风靡一时。Farmers have faced the double whammy of a rising dollar and falling agricultural prices.美元升值加上农产品价格下跌对农民而言可谓是双重打击。Her anger was unreasonable, a storm in a teacup.她发怒毫无道理,真可谓小题大作。He was a worthy recipient of the Nobel Prize.他获得诺贝尔奖可谓实至名归。The visitors produced a flood of almost biblical proportions.游客如潮水般涌来,人数之多可谓史无前例。Having a baby can be kill or cure for a troubled marriage.对陷入感情困境的婚姻来说,要小孩可谓是孤注一掷。With two platinum records, the group is sitting pretty right now.有两张白金唱片在手,该演唱组合目前可谓春风得意。My last computer was pretty fast, but this one's a real screamer.我之前用的那台电脑速度已经相当快,但这一台真可谓是飞速。His comments were positively vile.他的话可谓忠言逆耳。Ballet is the ultimate in human movement.芭蕾舞在人类的动作中可谓优雅至极。Information about the job market can be a lifeline for those who are out of work.对于那些失业的人而言,就业信息可谓是他们的生命线。I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths, just to avoid paying me a few pounds.我知道我的一些客户就为了少付我几英镑,可谓无所不用其极。She was comfortable, even wealthy by old standards.以过去的标准衡量,她的生活可谓小康,甚至算得上富有。




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