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词汇 rocked
例句 Although he was on home ground, his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations.虽然是在自己家乡,他的竞选活动还是因私通指控受到了冲击。He slapped his knee as he rocked with laughter.他拍着膝盖笑得前仰后合。The government was rocked by a series of scandals.政府因一连串丑闻受到震动。An earthquake rocked the town.地震使这个小镇猛烈晃动。The explosion rocked the building.爆炸使大楼发生剧烈震动。He rocked back and forth in his chair.他躺在椅子里前后晃动。A series of explosions rocked the holy city, Karbala, today, amid solemn religious observances.今天,一系列的爆炸震动了正在举行肃穆宗教仪式的圣城卡尔巴拉。He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.他轻轻地前后晃动摇篮。The band rocked the crowd.乐队的演奏让听众过足了瘾。The discovery rocked the very foundations of their theory.这一发现动摇了他们的理论根据。The chair rocked back and forth.这椅子来回摇晃。The mother crooned as she rocked the baby.母亲一边摇晃着宝宝一边轻声哼唱。A huge bomb blast rocked Jakarta last night.昨晚一次剧烈的炸弹爆炸震动了雅加达。She sat on the porch and rocked the baby.她坐在门廊上,摇晃着孩子。The scandal rocked the government.丑闻扰得政府惊魂不定。The punch rocked him back on his heels.那一拳打得他向后趔趄了几步。Spain has been rocked by another political scandal.又一起政治丑闻震惊了西班牙。The football world was rocked by the scandal.足球界对此丑闻感到震惊。He rocked back and forth, pulling at his pipe.他前摇后晃,吸着烟斗。The news of the murders rocked the town.多起凶杀案的新闻使小镇居民感到震惊。We were rocked back on our heels by the boy's amazing success.这个男孩惊人的成功令我们大为震惊。Waves rocked the boat.海浪摇着小船。Darwin's theory rocked the scientific establishment to its foundations.达尔文的理论动摇了科学界的根基。He rocked back in the chair and propped his feet on the desk.他往椅背上一靠,把脚搭在桌子上。The solid ground rocked beneath us.我们脚下坚实的地面剧烈晃动起来。The frail craft rocked as he clambered in.他爬进来的时候,那件易碎的工艺品摇晃起来。He rocked the pram for a while.他把婴儿车轻轻摇了一会儿。His body rocked from side to side with the train.他的身体随着列车来回摇晃。He rocked back and forth while he stood waiting.他站在那儿等候时,身体来回摆动。A huge explosion rocked the entire building.爆炸使整栋房子摇晃起来。She gently rocked the baby backwards and forwards.她轻轻地前后摇晃着婴儿。The stadium rocked with applause.运动场上一片欢呼声。The scandal rocked the legal establishment to its foundations.这件丑闻动摇了法律界的基础。His performance rocked the house. 他的表演给全场观众带来欢乐。Their invention rocked the computer industry.他们的发明对计算机产业产生了重大影响。The law firm was rocked by accusations of bribery and dishonesty.受贿和作假的指控震惊了这家律师事务所。She rocked the baby to sleep in her arms.她摇晃着怀里的孩子哄他睡觉。He rocked back and forth, pulling on his pipe.他前摇后晃,吸着烟斗。The baby rocked to and fro in the swing.小宝宝在秋千上荡来荡去。Water sloshed in the bottom of the boat as it rocked.船一晃动,船底的水就哗哗作响。




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