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In the first game of NBA playoffs, Warriors clobbered the Rockets.在季后赛的第一场,勇士对火箭予以痛击。The Rockets managed an improbable victory in last night's game.昨晚的比赛中火箭队令人难以置信地取得了胜利。Rockets flew into the air and then exploded with a terrific bang.火箭冲入空中,然后轰的一声巨响就爆炸了。The Rockets snapped a seven-game losing streak by beating Portland.火箭队击败波特兰队,结束了连输七场的霉运。Rockets can be instrumented to record observations in geomagnetism, cosmic rays and other phenomena of the universe.火箭可以装上仪器,把观测到的地磁、宇宙射线和其他宇宙现象都记录下来。Rockets, mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings.火箭炮、迫击炮和各种炮弹如雨点般落在大楼上。Rockets soared into the sky.火箭冲入天空。 |