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词汇 scratched
例句 You scratched one of my CDs once.你有一次把我的一张光盘给划了。I scratched away a little of the paint with my fingernail.我用指甲刮掉一点油漆。I scratched out the mistake.我把错误的地方划掉了。I scratched my arm on a rose bush.我被玫瑰花丛划伤了胳膊。The paint was scratched on the passenger's side.副驾驶座一侧的漆被刮到了。She scratched her elbow on the point of a nail.她的肘部被钉尖划伤。The tree's branches had scratched his hands and they were bleeding.树枝刮伤了他的手,伤口在流血。The match scratched and glowed.火柴嚓地一声燃着了。Someone had scratched some of the paint off my car.有人把我的汽车上刮掉了一点漆。The cat scratched me.那只猫挠了我一下。His arms were scratched by thorns.他的手臂被荆棘划破了。Mackenzie scratched his name on a rock.麦肯齐在一块岩石上刻下了他的名字。He scratched his grizzled poll.他抓了抓他那头发花白的脑袋。I think we have only scratched the surface of this problem.我认为我们仅仅触及了这个问题的表面。She was scratched after a former swain mouthed off about their life together.她从前的一个恋人公然谈论他们曾经同居,于是人家就不要她了。Hannah scratched her head thoughtfully.汉娜一边思索一边挠头。He scratched his name on the bridge with a knife.他用刀子将自己的名字刻在桥上。The front door on the driver's side is scratched.驾驶员一侧的前门被擦刮了。The horse was scratched on the day of the race.这匹马在赛马的当天被撤出比赛。He scratched out a living as a farmer.他是个农民,勉强维持着生计。He scratched at his beard for a few seconds.他抓了几下胡子。I scratched my hand on the rosebush.我在玫瑰丛中划破了手。Thorns scratched our legs as we climbed through the briars.我们翻过灌木丛的时候腿被划破了。John yawned and scratched his leg.约翰打了个哈欠,挠了挠腿。His knees were scratched by thorns.他的膝盖被荆棘划破。The kitchen has a beautiful wooden floor, but it's badly scratched.厨房铺着漂亮的木地板,但划坏得很厉害。He absently scratched his head.他心不在焉地挠了挠头。Keep your shirt on! Your car isn't even scratched!别生气!你的车连剐蹭的痕迹都没有!The president scratched out the speech himself in longhand.总统亲笔草拟了演讲稿。Emma's name had been scratched out.埃玛的名字被划掉了。The minister scratched out the statement himself in longhand.部长亲笔草拟了那个声明。The tables were all scratched up by the movers.那些桌子被搬运工弄得伤痕累累。The investigation barely scratched the surface of the city's drug problem.这次调查只是触及了该城市毒品问题的表面。He scratched a note and put it on her desk.他草草写了一张字条放在她书桌上。He pulled on a battered old crash helmet with a scratched visor.他戴上了一顶破旧的防护头盔,上面的面罩已有划痕。He scratched his head, not understanding a word.他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。She scratched the gum off her shoe with a stick.她用一根小棍把鞋上的口香糖刮掉了。His ears wiggled if you scratched his chin.如果你挠他的下巴,他的耳朵就会摆动。I'm afraid I've scratched your car.不好意思,我把你的汽车刮坏了。Officials say they've only scratched the surface of the drug problem.官员们说他们仅仅触及到了毒品问题的表面。




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