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词汇 scouted
例句 The site is being scouted as a possible location for the factory.这个场地被相中,作为建工厂的备选地址。He wondered if the killer had scouted the area out ahead of his crime.他们怀疑杀手可能在作案前就来踩过点儿。We scouted around the store to see if anyone was available to help us.我们在商店周围四处寻找,看看是否有人能够帮助我们。He's a talented pitcher who is being scouted by several major-league teams.他是个天才投手,已被好几家大联盟棒球队相中。I scouted about in the bushes.我在灌木丛中四处搜寻。Most scientists scouted the new theory.大多数科学家不相信这一新理论。I scouted round in the bushes.我在灌木丛中四下查找。They scouted around for more fuel.他们四处寻觅更多的燃料。She scouted out the town to see if she'd like to live there.她在镇上四处考察,看看自己是否愿意住在这儿。




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