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词汇 embittered
例句 The war left him angry and embittered.战争使他感到愤怒和痛苦。The old man was embittered by the sudden death of his daughter.老人由于女儿的突然去世而感到痛苦。He had turned into an embittered, hardened adult.他已经变成了一个愤世嫉俗、冷酷无情的成年人。They ignored all her pleas and she became very embittered.他们对她的所有恳求都置之不理,她因此忿忿不平。He died a disillusioned and embittered old man.年迈迟暮的他万念俱灰,饮恨而终。He was embittered by repeated failures.他因屡遭失败而痛苦。When marriages break down children are swept into the vortex of their parents' embittered emotions.当婚姻破裂时,孩子们也被卷进父母感情日益恶化的漩涡中。Gerald turned sour and embittered when he felt people were not dealing honestly with him.当杰拉尔德感到人们没有真诚待他时,就变得乖张易怒,怨恨不平。She was embittered by her many disappointments.她由于多次失望而十分怨愤。The soldier was embittered by the war.士兵由于战争而感到痛苦。




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