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词汇 scoundrel
例句 It was especially galling to be criticised by this scoundrel.被这个无赖指责让人尤其气愤。He was, she said, a heartless scoundrel who had stripped her of everything she owned.她说,他是个狠心的无赖,夺走了属于她的一切。He's a rotten scoundrel.他是个坏透了的恶棍。It was especially galling to be criticized by this scoundrel.被这个无赖批评特别令人恼怒。That scoundrel is capable of anything.那个恶棍什么坏事都干得出来。He dispatched the scoundrel with his sword.他用剑把那恶棍给杀了。He is little better than a scoundrel.他简直是个流氓。He is a thorough scoundrel.他是一个十足的无赖。He is a lying scoundrel!他是个无耻的骗子!The scoundrel who set fire to the barn have been caught.放火烧谷仓的坏蛋已被抓住。




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