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We spent a pleasant evening chatting in the bar.我们在酒吧里愉快地聊了一个晚上。We just stood around chatting.我们只是无所事事地站在那里闲聊。We sat chatting at the fireside.我们坐在炉边闲聊。We spent a very jolly evening together, chatting and reminiscing.我们一起聊天话旧,度过了一个惬意的晚上。In fact the whole wedding was a sober affair - no dancing, just people standing around in groups chatting politely.事实上,整场婚礼气氛很严肃——没有人跳舞,人们只是聚在一起礼貌地交谈。She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden fence.她总是和邻居隔着花园的篱笆闲聊。He launched into handshaking and chatting the moment he arrived.他一到场就忙着跟人握手聊天。Well, I can't stand here chatting all day.好了,我不能一整天就站在这里闲聊。They were chatting informally together.他们在一起无拘无束地聊天。They were soon chatting comfortably with each other.他们很快就轻松地互相交谈了起来。Jenny's chatting up the barman again. She likes a bit of rough.珍妮又在和酒吧侍者搭讪了。她喜欢比她社会地位低的情人。I got chatting with my neighbour in the garden.我和邻居在花园聊起天来。Two English artists were sitting on the terrace; one sketching, the other lazily chatting.两个英国画家也在那凉台上坐着,一个人在写生,一个人在懒洋洋地聊天。They blithely carried on chatting, ignoring the customers who were waiting to be served.他们继续开心地聊天,将等著购物的顾客们置于一边。The others went back to the hotel, but I stayed on in the bar, chatting to Alan.其他人都回宾馆了,但我留在酒吧里陪艾伦聊天。I was chatting cosily with friends over coffee.我和朋友们一边喝咖啡一边亲密地聊着天。Ann's just been chatting on the phone all morning - she's done sod all.安整个上午都在打电话聊天——她什么都没做。They stayed all afternoon, chatting.他们呆了整个下午聊天。He'd spent most of that evening chatting up one of my friends.他大半个晚上都在和我的一个朋友搭讪。A group of students sat around the table chatting.一群学生围坐在桌子旁边聊天。The girls were sitting on the steps, chatting.女孩子们坐在台阶上闲聊。The women were chatting.女人们在聊天。The court heard how Allan made a reference to poison while chatting with a pal.法庭听取了艾伦与朋友闲聊时如何提到毒药的陈述。He whiled away a few hours chatting with close confidants.他同知心好友聊了几个小时。We spent the evening chatting about this, that, and the other.我们一晚上聊了各种各样的事情。I sauntered into the garden, where some friends were chatting near the barbecue.我溜达着走进花园,那里有一些朋友正在烤架旁聊天。We were chatting away at the back and didn't hear what he said.我们一直坐在后面聊天,没有听到他说什么。He wormed his way into her life by chatting her up in a bar.通过在酒吧里和她套近乎,他一点一点地进入了她的生活。I looked up, only to see Tommy chatting to someone.我抬起头,只看见汤米在跟人聊天。When I left the party Kelly was still chatting up that tall guy in the kitchen.我离开聚会时,凯莉还在厨房里跟那个高个子调情。We all used to sit around the kitchen table, smoking and chatting.以前我们都会围坐在厨房的餐桌旁边抽烟、聊天。The three of us sat down and after a while we got chatting.我们三个坐了下来,不久便开始谈起来。They were chatting at the bar.他们正在酒吧聊天。As we sat round chatting, I began to think I'd made a mistake.当我们坐在那里聊天时,我开始认为自己犯了一个错误。We were chatting and missed our stop.我们一直聊天,坐过了站。The president appeared totally relaxed, chatting and wisecracking with reporters.总统看起来非常轻松,与记者们聊着,说着俏皮话。We saw her chatting with her neighbors.我们看到她在和邻居聊天。She stayed up all night chatting with her friends online.她整晚没睡觉,在网上与朋友们聊天。He didn't stop chatting from the moment he arrived.他从到的那一刻起就没有停止过闲扯。Half an hour later, she was smiling and chatting as if nothing had happened.半小时后,她又谈笑风生,仿佛什么事都没发生过。 |