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词汇 cheap
例句 Such cheap clothes come apart after a few washings.这种廉价衣服洗过几次以后就破得不成样子了。Hungry-looking men in cheap suits hung around the streets all day.衣着粗劣,满脸饿相的男人整天在街道上游荡。Old-fashioned ceiling fans have been making a comeback as a cheap and reliable alternative to air conditioning.老式的吊扇又流行了起来,它价钱廉宜、性能可靠,是空调之外的另一种选择。This house was comparatively cheap.这幢房屋比较起来是便宜的。Because lavender oil is versatile and cheap, it is the most used in aromatherapy.由于薰衣草油用途广而且价格便宜,所以是香薰疗法中用得最多的。Students travel on the cheap lower deck and tourists on the upper.学生坐廉价的下层舱,游客坐上层舱。My uncle is cheap with his money.我叔叔花钱很小气。We had sun, surf, cheap wine, and to cap it all a free car.我们有阳光、海浪、便宜的葡萄酒,最妙的是还有辆免费汽车。Use a cheap cut such as spare rib chops.用一块便宜点的肉,比如肋排肉。What surprised me most was how cheap everything was compared to at home.让我吃惊的是,跟在老家相比,什么东西都很便宜。She has all the gen on cheap flights.她对各种廉价航班的信息十分灵通。She got blotto on cheap wine.她喝了劣质的酒,烂醉如泥。Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance.一些保险公司已经意识到其客户所得到的保险金非常少。He became convinced of the need for cheap editions of good-quality writing.他渐渐确信,人们对优秀作品的低价本有需求。She buys all her clothes dirt cheap in charity shops.她所有衣物都是在慈善商店以极便宜的价格买的。That documentary has put me off buying cheap clothes.那部纪录片弄得我不想买便宜的衣服了。The use of cheap materials helped to keep costs down.使用廉价原料有助于降低成本。They had been forced to find cheap tickets in the gallery.他们不得不去买顶层楼座的便宜票。We always stock up on cheap cigarettes when we go to Holland.我们每次到荷兰去都大量购买廉价香烟。Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。You can get beautiful leather jackets in the markets and they're dirt cheap.你能在市场上买到漂亮的皮夹克,而且非常便宜。Window locks are a cheap and effective deterrent.窗户锁是一种价廉、有效的防盗手段。We went into a smoky dive for a cheap lunch.我们到烟雾弥漫的低级酒吧吃了顿便宜午餐。This computer wasn't cheap, but it was money well spent. 这台电脑不便宜,但这个钱花得值。Can you put me on to a cheap supermarket?你能给我介绍一家便宜的超市吗? Our main market is the business traveler looking for cheap overnight accommodation.我们的主要市场是寻求廉价食宿的商务旅客。It's a cheap movie house that only shows skin flicks.这是一家只放映色情电影的廉价影院。She's too cheap to take a cab.她太小气了,不肯叫出租车的。With competition from cheap imports, the industry is facing a serious crisis.由于廉价进口商品的竞争,该行业正面临严重的危机。I got the book dirt-cheap.这书我买得便宜极了。Finding a cheap place to rent is a virtual impossibility in this area.在这个地区几乎租不到便宜的房子。It's a good restaurant, and incredibly cheap.这家馆子不错,而且价格便宜得不得了。Their new drug was effective and safe, and, best of all, it was very cheap to manufacture.他们的新药有效又安全,最令人高兴的是生产成本很低。The men were getting drunk on cheap beer and some had started abusing passers-by.这些人喝了廉价啤酒已有醉意,其中有几个开始辱骂过路人。This is only cheap jocosity, not real humour.这只是不值钱的打趣,并非真正的幽默。What's more this stuff is cheap to manufacture so we should make a big profit.而且,这东西生产起来成本也低,所以我们应该能赚到大钱。Houses like this don't come cheap.这样的房子都不便宜。These cheap-jack movies are tasteless.这些低廉的电影毫无趣味。He hated the superficiality, the neon glamour and the cheap prettiness of life in L.A.他痛恨洛杉矶浮华浅薄、灯红酒绿、纸醉金迷的生活。Finally we went to the Azores, because we lucked into a cheap freighter voyage.最后我们去了亚速尔群岛,因为我们凑巧搭上了费用便宜的货船。




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