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词汇 scores
例句 She exulted over her students' test scores.她对学生的考试成绩感到非常高兴。She endured a nerve-racking wait for her test scores.她焦急不安地等着她的考试成绩。A policeman was killed and scores of people were injured in the melee.在混战中,一名警察被杀,许多群众受伤。We compared scores and found that theirs were higher than ours.我们比较了一下得分,发现他们的比我们的要高。Johnson passes to White, White passes to Eliot, and Eliot scores!约翰逊把球传给怀特,怀特传给埃利奥特,埃利奥特得分了!He had mentored scores of younger doctors.他指导过许多更年轻的医生。Whichever player scores the highest number of points will be the winner.得分最高的一方获胜。Treacherous underfooting resulted in scores of injuries.因为立足点不坚实结果弄得遍体鳞伤。Teachers tend to be partial towards students with good scores.老师往往容易偏袒成绩优良的学生。We await our test scores.我们等著测验分数。On a clear night scores of meteors streak the sky.清朗的夜晚常有许多流星划过长空。She was looking for a chance to settle old scores with her brother.她在寻找机会跟她哥哥算旧帐。His low test scores ruined his chances of getting into a good school.他考试成绩太差,失去了上好学校的机会。The new programme pledged the university to accept all graduates of high schools regardless of their entrance exam scores.新的方案要求大学保证不论中学毕业生入学考试分数高低全数照收。In reviewing applicants, we consider both objective criteria, such as test scores, and subjective criteria, such as leadership ability.在考察申请者方面,我们既考虑客观标准,如测试得分,也考虑主观标准,如领导能力。The school's test scores were comparable to the national average.这所学校的测验分数和全国平均分不相上下。We have received scores of suggestions.我们收到了许多建议。A number of factors account for the differences between the two scores.若干因素导致了这两个分数之间的不同。The scores remained more or less even throughout the competition.比分在整个竞赛过程中不相上下。The drop in scores was merely an artifact of the way the test was administered.成绩下滑只不过是考试管理方式导致的一种假象。The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.暴雨和大水淹死了许多牲口。The player who scores the most points wins.得分最多的选手获胜。Two people were killed and scores were injured.两人死亡,多人受伤。High test scores are one criterion used by universities to determine which students to admit.考分高是大学录取学生的一个尺度。The students' results closely matched their predicted scores.学生的考试成绩与之前预期的分数极为接近。Their cumulative scores will determine the winner.他们的总积分将决定谁是胜者。He kept saying that he is stupid; but he has the highest scores in every exam. Therefore, this is a humblebrag.他一再说他很笨,但每次考试都得第一。所以,这实际上只是看似谦虚,其实很自信。Perfect test scores are an open sesame to the best schools.优异的考试成绩是进入一流学校的法宝。All the students in the group were found to have above average IQ scores.这组中所有学生的智商被发现高于平均数。The company scores highly on customer service.该公司在客户服务方面做得很好。They forgot old scores and became friends.他们忘却旧仇,成了朋友。He chummed with the labourers, and was an intimate in scores of homes.他跟工人们交朋友,是许多工人家庭的常客。If he scores now, I'll win my bet.如果他现在进球,我就赌赢了。The orchestra hired her because she could sight-read even the most difficult scores.交响乐团雇用了她,因为她能直接看谱演奏,即便是难度最大的乐谱。Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state.雷击在全国范围内引起了多场大火。Test scores are listed in ascending order from lowest to highest.考试成绩由低到高排列。Low test scores are a sad reflection on our school system.学生考分低,这使我们的学校系统遭受非议。Carr slips the ball to King who scores easily.卡尔不动声色地把球传给能轻易进球得分的金。Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低。Along with scores of other advertising creatives, he will be taking part in an exhibition at the Saatchi gallery.他将和许多广告创意人员一起参加在萨奇画廊举行的画展。




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