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词汇 School
例句 She sat A levels at Slough High School for Girls.她在斯劳女子中学参加了高级证书考试。School begins at 8 o'clock.八点钟开始上课。As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中。School finishes at the end of the week, and the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.周末学校就放假了,对我来说放得越早越好。School management is often too detached from the classroom.学校管理往往太脱离课堂。She was the belle of her Sunday School class.在主日学校她是她们班的班花。Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School.英格丽德目前在希姆拉公立学校教数学。School is so boring. I can't wait for the holidays to come.上学很没劲,我迫不及待要放假了。School should encourage the full development of a student's talents.学校应该鼓励学生全面发展自己的才能。In my first year at Hendon School, I had my first taste of corporal punishment.我进享登公学的第一年,第一次尝到体罚的滋味。The project is a joint enterprise with the Business School.这是与商学院合资的项目。He graduated from Manchester High School.他毕业于曼彻斯特高中。School boys were hired to lift the potatoes.雇用了学生来挖马铃薯。School enrollments are up this year.学校今年的招生数量增加了。School children are often pressurized into studying very hard from an early age by their parents.学童常在很小的时候起就被父母逼着很刻苦地学习了。The campaign was so successful that Harvard Business School adopted it as a case study.这个活动非常成功,哈佛商学院甚至采用它作为一个研究案例。School property is exempt from all taxes.学校财产免除一切赋税。School reopens on September 1.新学期于九月一日开始。The Beebe School is a magnet school for the environmental sciences.贝布学校是一座以环境科学见长的磁力学校。Leary later went to Beverly Hills High School, but he felt out of place among the rich kids.利里后来进了贝弗利山高中,但是他觉得自己在那些富家子弟中显得格格不入。School will be back in session at the beginning of September. 学校将在九月初开学。School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances.在特殊情况下,学校主管有权自行决定让家长把孩子领回家。I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School.我和他都在耶鲁法学院读书的时候,在纽黑文合租了一个房间。School administrators are not on the firing line every day like the teachers are.学校管理人员不像教师那样每天都处于被批评的风口浪尖。School reform is a subject of intense debate.学校改革是一个引起激烈论辩的话题。School facilities have deteriorated over the past six years because of a lack of funding.由于缺少经费,学校的设施在过去六年里已变得破旧。School helps children to master the skills necessary to live in our society.学校帮孩子们掌握社会生存所必需的技能。School children have to learn to strike a balance between work and play.学生必须学会在学习和玩乐之间保持适当的平衡。School broke up for the summer last Friday.自上周五学校开始放暑假。School rules required all girls to tie back their hair.校规要求所有女生都要把头发束到脑后。I enjoyed King Edward's School enormously once I'd settled in.适应了爱德华国王学校的生活后,我就深深地爱上了这里。School dispersed for the summer vacation.师生散去,学校放暑假了。Doctors are very concerned about an outbreak of tuberculosis in an East London School.医生对伦敦东区一所学校爆发肺结核病很关注。School administrators are trying to fill vacancies before the beginning of the school year.校方正在想办法尽量在这个学年开始之前把空缺职位填满。School authorities complained of the child's nonattendance.学校当局抱怨说这孩子不来上课。He's about to graduate from West Virginia University's Law School.他即将从西弗吉尼亚大学法学院毕业。School dinners are served in three sittings.学校午餐分三批用餐。She also narrated a documentary about the Kirov Ballet School.她还为一部关于基洛夫芭蕾舞学院的纪录片作过解说。The Ormerod School educates handicapped children.奥默罗德学校的教育对象为残疾儿童。She was still attending kindergarten at Assumption School.她还在上萨普天主教学校的幼儿园。




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