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例句 With a furtive glance over her shoulder, she unlocked the door and entered the house.她偷偷地朝身后瞥了一眼,然后打开门锁,进了房间。The students entered the classroom, jumping and singing.学生们又唱又跳地进了教室。They entered the country as migrant workers.他们以流动工人的身份进入该国。We entered into a bewilderment of mountains.我们走进了乱山丛中。She felt she had entered a world of fantasy.她感到自己已进入了一个虚幻的世界。As part of his training program, Lauck has been entered in Sunday's race.作为训练计划的一部分,劳克被安排参加星期天的比赛。They left the half-lit streets and entered the confines of a cemetery.他们离开了半明半暗的街道,进入了公墓区。His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.他妻子玛丽偷偷地为他报名参加锦标赛。Obeying an impulse, he entered the library.他一冲动就进了图书馆。The patients’ medical records are entered into a database.病人的就诊记录被输入数据库。Towards evening the carnival entered its final stage.临近傍晚时,狂欢节进入最后阶段。The two countries entered into a defensive alliance.两国订立了防御同盟。He entered the room and looked around.他走进房间,四处打量了一下。A demoniacal light had entered his eyes.一道凶光闪现在他眼中。Once he had entered upon a question, he would never stop.他一旦着手考虑某个问题,就决不中途停止。It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered.已经无法判断子弹是从哪里打进来的。He made/beat a hasty retreat when he realized he had entered the wrong office.发现走错了办公室,他赶紧退了出去。His hair was cropped when he entered the army.他参军时把头发剪成平头。An involuntary cry escaped her as he entered the room.他走进房间时,她不由自主地叫了一声。As soon as he entered the room, he knew there was something wrong.他一进房间就知道,有什么不对劲了。He smiled as I entered the room. I returned the smile.我进房间的时候他微微一笑。我也报以微微一笑。The army entered the city from the north.军队从北面进城。Rifle in hand, he entered the room.他手持步枪进了屋。The deed of transfer must be entered at the land registry.转让契约必须在土地登记处登记。She had entered the arrivals' lounge when I got to the airport.我到达机场时,她已进入迎客厅了。Violence in Sydney has entered a whole new ballpark.悉尼的暴力活动进入了一个全新阶段。After years of training, the doctor entered the practice of medicine.经过多年训练之后,那位医生开始行医了。People entered the park by/in the dozens. 人们成群地涌进公园。The coins have recently entered circulation.这些硬币最近开始流通。I entered the data into a spreadsheet on my laptop.我把这些数据存入了我手提电脑的电子表格里。Officers and wives entered in strict order of precedence.众官员及其夫人按照严格的礼宾次序入场。Her coach entered her in every race.她的教练让她报名参加所有比赛。He entered the troubled waters of the college application process.他开始进入大学入学申请的烦琐流程。An extraordinary scene met our eyes as we entered the room.我们进屋时看到了非同寻常的一幕。The train entered the tunnel with a shrill whistle.火车鸣着尖厉的汽笛声驶进了隧道。The championship prize-winners made a brave sight as they entered the main arena.锦标赛的获奖者们进入主赛场时场面十分壮观。He respectfully removed his hat when he entered the building.他走进这座大楼时恭敬地摘下了帽子。He entered the room with a certain diffidence.他怯生生地走进房间。When she first entered the teaching profession, children were much better behaved in the classroom.她刚投身教育事业时,学生在教室里的行为要好得多。He entered the queen's service.他成了女王的一个仆人。




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