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词汇 enter
例句 They weren't permitted to enter the country.他们未获准入境该国。There are a few formalities to be gone through before you enter a foreign country.在进入外国前要办理一些手续。Disable the alarm system and then enter the building.解除警报系统然后进入大楼。Traders enter the amount of stock they want to buy or sell, and the computer calculates a price.交易者输入他们想要买卖的股票数量,电脑便会计算出一个价格。Players from the opposing team may not enter the crease.球员不得进入对方球门区。Never for a moment did it enter my mind that something was wrong.我从来没想过会出问题。Please enter your marital status.请填上你的婚姻状况。You need to enter into the spirit of the occasion.你需要融入这个场合的气氛中。The committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger.委员会同意了主席提出的倡议,开始对可能进行的并购进行讨论。Under the programme, alien workers can enter the US.按照这项计划,外国工人可以进入美国。I cannot enter my house because my husband surreptitiously changed the door lock while I was out.我进不了房间,因为我的丈夫偷偷地趁我不在时将门锁换了。You enter the customer's name on this line.你把客户的名字写在这一行。I perceived a man enter the house.我看到一个人走进这间房子。The competition costs nothing to enter, just send a postcard with your name and address.参加这项比赛是免费的,只要寄去一张填上你姓名地址的明信片就可以了。The clock automatically readjusts when you enter a new time zone.你进入另一个时区后,这个钟表就会自动调整时间。She nerved herself to enter the room.她鼓足勇气走进房间。It will soon be impossible for foreigners to enter the country.不久以后,外国人就不能进入这个国家了。John's accident didn't enter into our plans.约翰突遇不测,这未在我们原先的估计之中。Visitors are not allowed to enter the building without an escort.没有护卫陪同,访客不得进入这栋大楼。He was in his thirties when he decided to enter the church.他三十来岁时决定成为基督教牧师。We are not willing to enter into open-ended discussions.我们不想无休止地讨论下去。Workers continue to enter the plant despite intimidation by mass pickets.工人们不顾大批纠察的恐吓,继续进入工厂。Congress is considering raising the number of skilled workers who may enter the country each year.国会正在考虑增加每年进入本国的技术工人的人数。The medication caused her to enter an altered state of consciousness.这种药使她进入到一种变异的意识状态。The key question in solving the mystery is, how did the murderer enter the house?破解这个谜的关键问题在于:这个谋杀者是如何进入房屋的?You have to enter the information in a specific order.你必须按照特定的顺序输入信息。He couldn't enter for the examination because he was over age.他因为已超龄而不能参加考试。Press the return key to enter the information.按回车键输入信息。The company was slow to enter the brave new world of computer technology.这家公司较晚才进入计算机技术这一新领域。Please enter your username and password.请输入用户名和密码。It is unthinkable that anyone would dare to enter the Control Area without permission.很难想象有人未经同意胆敢进入控制区域。This college prepares boys to enter the army as officers.这所学院培养男青年入伍当军官。Stalin agreed to enter the Pacific war, but he named his price.斯大林同意参加太平洋战争,但是提出了条件。The United States did not enter the war until April 19, 1917.美国直到一九一七年四月十九日才参战。We are hoping to enter into discussions with union leaders.我们希望能与工会领导进行商谈。Many people graduate from high school unready to enter college.很多人高中毕业后不准备上大学。When did he enter the ministry? 他什么时候开始当牧师的?You may need to enter this information manually.你可能需要手工输入这条信息。Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption through the skin.一些有毒气体可以通过皮肤吸收进入体内。Judith couldn't really enter into the spirit of the occasion.朱迪思无法完全融入那场合的欢乐气氛中去。




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