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词汇 书写
例句 Don't nag him about his handwriting or he'll get a complex.别总是指责他的书写,要不然他一写字就紧张。Wilberforce had just written a long review of Darwin's book.威尔伯福斯刚刚给达尔文的书写了一篇很长的评论文章。Her book on child-care exhausts the subject.她那本关于儿童保育的书写得详尽透彻。I'm used to reading obscurely written manuals.我很习惯阅读书写潦草的手稿。He needs to work at his handwriting.他还需要多练习书写Some employers throw away all incorrectly hand-written applications without even reading them.对于书写有误的求职信,一些雇主甚至看也不看就扔掉了。He wrote in italic characters.他用斜体字书写I love my new pen - it just glides across/over the paper.我很喜欢我的新钢笔——书写流畅极了。Her writing is neat, but she can't spell.她的书写很工整,但她不会拼写。Reading and writing will become obsolete skills.阅读和书写将成为陈旧的技巧。The instructions are written in English, German, and Japanese.该使用说明是用英文、德文和日文书写的。His handwriting was so bad that we couldn't make heads or tails out of it.他的书写太乱了,我们看不明白。Please print using capital letters.请用印刷体大写字母书写Please print your name and address in block capitals.请用正体大写字母书写你的姓名和地址。She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write.她将羽毛笔在墨水里蘸了一下,随后开始书写She wrote in script instead of printing.她不是用印刷体,而是用草体书写的。Writing the history of this period is like nailing jelly to the wall.试图书写这一时期的历史纯属白费力气。He wrote very neatly in blue ink.他是用蓝墨水书写的,字迹很工整。Please write on one side of the paper only.请只在纸的一面书写Winning the French Open was a fairy-tale end to her career.法国公开赛折桂为她的职业生涯书写了一个童话般的结局。In writing, we underline titles of books.书写文字中我们在书名下划线。There have been demands for the tax forms to be rewritten in plain English.有人要求用平白的英语来重新书写税务报表。His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman.安东尼·海曼在此就他那本关于阿富汗的书写了书评。When writing your homework, remember that neatness counts.做作业时,记住书写工整很重要。Please address your letters properly so as to reduce delays.请正确书写信件地址以减少延误。It's an honest book but it lacks polish.书写得很实在,只是缺少一点雕琢。The skill of writing grew out of a wish to put speech into a permanent form.书写技术来源于赋予语言以永久形式的愿望。His handwriting was so bad that I had to spell out what he had written.他的书写很糟,以至我不得不花很大的劲来读懂他写的东西。His book is concerned with the changing role of fathers.他的书写的是父亲角色的变化。Each classroom has a flip chart to write on.每个教室都有一个挂纸白板供书写Writing was the most revolutionary of all human inventions.书写是人类最具革命性的一项创造。Children are taught reading and writing in their first years at school.儿童在入学的头几年学习阅读和书写His books aren't particularly well-written, but they're always entertaining.他的书写得不是特别好,但总是很有趣。I think it's due to being left handed that he's got terrible writing.我想他的书写这么糟糕是因为他是左撇子。This example is written in italics.这个例句是用斜体书写的。Murray agreed to write the preface to Baker's book, as a favor to his old friend.默里同意为贝克的书写篇序,作为给老朋友的帮忙。The sign was carefully lettered by hand.这个标记是用手写字母精心书写的。Your illegible handwriting will prejudice your chances of passing the exam.书写不清会影响你通过考试。The author abstracted his book.作者为他的书写了内容提要。Once you learn how to print, then you can move on to cursive writing.一旦你学会如何用印刷体书写,就可以开始学草体了。




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