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例句 Her clumsy attempt to cut the cake was the cause of much mirth.她笨手笨脚切蛋糕的样子引来捧腹大笑。His awkwardness drew sniggers from the other boys.他笨手笨脚的,引来其他男孩的暗笑。David Hirst was controversially sent off on his European debut for Sheffield Wednesday last night.周三,也就是昨天晚上大卫·赫斯特代表谢菲尔德足球俱乐部参加他在欧洲的首场比赛时被罚下场,引来一片争议。This is usually greeted with deep sighs and knowing looks.这通常会引来深深的叹息以及会意的神情。The joke got a big laugh, which encouraged me to continue.我的笑话引来哄堂大笑,这使我深受鼓舞,继续往下讲。By demonstrating his floating contraption - part surfboard, part kayak and part sailboard - Halfon hopes to create a tide of attention.通过展示那个又像冲浪板,又像轻型独木舟,又像帆板的浮水的怪物,哈尔丰期望能引来众人的目光。Some residents fear the crops would attract birds that might be sucked into jet engines.一些居民担心这些农作物会引来鸟类,鸟可能会被吸到喷气式引擎里去。The star faced a barrage of criticism for his actions.那个明星的行为引来接二连三的批评。Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh.每一次插科打诨都引来一阵开怀大笑。He made some off-the-cuff remarks during his presentation which drew laughter.他在报告中做了一些即兴评论,引来阵阵笑声。Her dress was attracting envious glances from the other women in the room.她的裙子引来了房间里其他女人羡慕的眼光。Her shouting attracted some curious glances from other people in the restaurant.她的叫喊引来了饭店里其他一些客人好奇的目光。Her screams brought help.她大声喊叫,引来人们帮忙。The murder trial has drawn a lot of press coverage.这起谋杀案的审判引来了大量新闻报道。It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic.新公路只会引来更多的车辆,这已是很明显的了。Even well-meaning attempts at conservation can bring problems.即使是出于善意想开展自然保护也可能会引来麻烦。The British could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk.英国可以在和平时期减少国防开支,而不会引来太大风险。The exhibition attracted thousands of visitors and ecstatic reviews.展览会引来了成千上万的参观者以及狂热的评论。Her red Lamborghini Diablo sports car always attracts covetous stares.她的红色兰博基尼迪亚博罗跑车总是引来人们垂涎的目光。A brouhaha erupted over her statements about the president.她关于总统的言论引来了一片哗然。Its high price has brought grumbles from some customers.它高昂的价格引来一些顾客的怨言。He wrote an article that evoked a scolding.他写了一篇文章,为此引来一阵攻击。This announcement was greeted with boos and hisses.这项宣布引来一片嘘声。He was roundly booed by CU partisans every time he touched the ball.他每次触球都会引来哥伦比亚大学拥趸的一片嘘声。A sweet liquor allures the approach of flies.一杯甜酒引来苍蝇。His departure prompted a few wistful sighs and the odd tear from admirers.他的离去引来崇拜者的几声悲叹和些许眼泪。The band always draws a large crowd.这个乐队总能引来大批听众。The controversial exhibit caused convulsions in the artistic community.这个有争议的展览在艺术界引来一片喧哗。Her comment raised a few smiles/laughs.她的评论引来一些笑声。Their car attracted admiring glances wherever they went.他们的车所到之处无不引来羡慕的目光。The discovery triggered a stream of readers' letters.该发现引来了读者接二连三的来信。His comments brought down a firestorm of criticism.他的评论引来了一通狂轰滥炸般的批评。He was flayed by the media for his thoughtless comments.他轻率的言论引来媒体对他的严厉斥责。The company has been subjected to a flood tide of criticism for its hiring policies.那家公司因其雇工政策而引来了潮涌般的批评。That comment brought another round of laughter.那句评论引来又一轮笑声。Carmen's reluctance to fall in with Driver's plans led to trouble.卡门不愿接受德赖弗的计划,由此引来了麻烦。He suggested he lose some weight and that's when the fireworks started!他建议说应该要减一些肥,这就引来了大喊大叫。Her unexpected announcement caused a few exclamations of surprise.她出人意料的宣告引来了一些惊叹。The accident attracted a large crowd of spectators.这场事故引来了一大堆围观者。His discriminatory remarks on gender equality drew a crescendo of criticism from the press.他的反对性别平等的言论引来媒体越来越多的评论。




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