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词汇 sandy
例句 The children picked their way through the rocks to the sandy beach.孩子们小心翼翼地走过礁石来到沙滩上。Large tracts of sandy waste were reclaimed.大片大片的沙质荒地被开垦出来了。She touched the thick mat of sandy hair on his chest.她抚摸着他浓密的淡棕色胸毛。The soil in my garden is very sandy.我花园里的土壤含沙量很高。The flowers do well in sandy soil.这些花在沙土中长得好。He jammed his shovel into the sandy soil.他使劲把铲子插进沙土。The area has miles of unspoiled sandy beaches..那个地区有连绵数英里的原始沙滩。Tourists are attracted by its endless sandy beaches and perfect weather.游客们被它那一望无际的沙滩和完美的天气所吸引。Water infiltrates quickly through a sandy soil, but slowly through a clay soil.水在砂类土中的渗透速度很快,但在黏土中的渗透速度则较慢。The road began to climb gentle sandy hills.道路开始攀越平缓多沙的小山坡。Fish passed beneath him, skimming the sandy bottom of the sea.鱼儿轻轻掠过海底细沙,从他下方游过。There is a loose sandy soil under foot.脚下是松软的沙质土。My towel's all sandy.我的毛巾上全是沙子。The opinion that carrots should be grown in sandy soil does not hold water for a long time.胡萝卜应在沙地中种植的观点没能站得住脚。The fish settles on the sandy ocean bottom where it blends in perfectly.那条鱼停在海底的沙子上,与周边环境完全融为了一体。The horse cantered along the sandy path.那匹马沿著沙路慢跑。We had to keep our eyes on the sandy path to avoid the roots and rocks in the way.我们只得很小心地看着沙石路走,免得踩到路上的根茎和石块。Rhinos are fond of wallowing in muddy pools and sandy riverbeds.犀牛喜欢在泥泞的水塘里和沙质的河床上打滚。The bush grows well in a sandy soil.这种灌木在沙质土地里生长良好。The soil was sandy, and nothing seemed to grow in it.这土壤多沙,好像没什么东西能在这里生长。Crocodiles bask on the small sandy beaches.鳄鱼在小沙滩上晒太阳。The soil in this area is very fertile/sandy.这里的土壤非常肥沃/含沙量很高。Clay soils hold water for longer periods while sandy soils hold less water.粘土可以长时间保持水分,而沙土保持的水分就很少。To the east of the pier were miles of sandy beaches.码头的东面是数英里的沙滩。




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