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词汇 年度
例句 The Birmingham meeting is one of the most prestigious events in the racing calendar.在这项竞赛的年度日程表上,伯明翰站的比赛是最负声誉的比赛之一。The new Renault was voted car of the year.新款雷诺汽车被评为年度最佳汽车。Congress adjourned for the year without approving an economic stimulus package.国会还没批准经济刺激一揽子计划就进入年度休会了。The calculations are based on average annual data.这些计算结果是根据年度平均数据得来的。Her natural musicality made this one of the most enjoyable concerts of the year.她的音乐天赋使这场音乐会成为该年度最受欢迎的音乐会之一。Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year's world championships.经纪人将提出下年度世锦赛奖金的问题。His school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year competition.他的学校建议他参加年度青年音乐家评选。She won the annual competition two times back to back. 她接连两次赢得年度竞赛。Your annual job/performance appraisal will be in July. 你的年度工作评估在七月份。The festival has become established as an annual event.这个节日已经被确立为年度盛事。It is available through an annual subscription service.通过年度订阅服务可以买到。We met again at the annual congress.我们在年度代表大会上又相遇了。He's a dead cert for player of the year.他绝对是年度最佳运动员。This was the third time the annual music muster has been held.这是第三次举行年度音乐聚会。He deservedly won the Player of the Year award.他实至名归,获得了年度最佳球员奖。The CEO resigned last week after a disappointing set of annual results.由于令人失望的年度财务状况,首席执行官上星期辞职了。Milner and Whyte remain joint leaders in the Player of the Year event.米尔纳和怀特依然在年度最佳球员评选中并列领先。What started as a small annual concert has snowballed into a full-fledged music festival.起初这是一个小型年度音乐会,后来发展成为一个成熟完善的音乐节。The company unveiled a new product at the annual trade show this week.这家公司在本周的年度展销会上推出了一款新产品。It's hands down the best movie of the year.它肯定是年度最佳影片。The fifth grade will perform their annual play this week.这个星期,五年级的学生将进行年度戏剧表演。The society's annual lunch will be held next Wednesday.这个社团的年度午餐聚会将在下周三举行。There are plans to make the race an annual fixture.有计划使这项比赛成为年度赛事。He was voted Bachelor of the Year.他当选为年度最佳学士。Members of the organization are planning to forgather in the city for their annual meeting.这个组织的成员正在筹划在市内举行的年度聚会。These weekly amounts are fixed at the start of every tax year.每周纳税额在每个税务年度之初确定。The company is accused of misinforming its shareholders about last year's profits.公司被指控向股东虚报上一年度的利润。Her album is a strong contender for the Album of the Year award.她的专辑是年度专辑奖的有力竞争者。Thank you for your letter regarding the annual subscription to our magazine.您的关于年度订阅我社杂志的信已收到,谢谢。The official figures for the year were published in January.年度官方统计数字于一月份发表。Allan Little from Radio 4 took the coveted title of reporter of the year.第四广播台的艾伦·利特尔获得了人人梦寐以求的年度记者称号。In his last game of the year, he pitched a no-hitter/shutout against the school's rival team.在他的年度最后一场与校内对手的比赛中,他当投手,没让对手得分。The college has an annual reunion for former students.这个大学每年度为校友举行一个聚会。He was voted horse of the year and then was retired to stud.这匹马被评为年度冠军后就退役成了种马。The company had to pay a lot of tax on its financial dealings during the past tax year.该公司要为其上一个税务年度内所进行的金融交易付大量的税款。Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.客户通常按月、季度或年度预付费用。The winners will be announced at the annual awards banquet.获胜者将会在年度颁奖宴会上宣布。The company dramatically slashed its forecasts for annual profits.该公司大幅降低了年度利润预测。He had his head in the clouds and was too cocky after he was a surprise winner of the player of the year award.自从出乎意料获得年度最佳运动员后,他就一直心不在焉,得意忘形。His death was one of the biggest stories of the year.他的离世是年度重大新闻之一。




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