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词汇 sample
例句 His job is to sample products for defects.他的工作是抽样检查产品的瑕疵。The sperm sample is checked under the microscope before insemination is carried out.在授精实施以前,精子样本被放在显微镜下进行检查。A sample of water was taken from the point where the river bifurcates.水样取自河流分流处。She wrote off for a free sample.她写信要一个免费样品。The last sample was impure and quite useless for manufacturing purposes.上一份样品不纯净,对于生产来说没有多大用处。Smokers were randomly distributed in the sample interviewed.这次面谈抽取的样本中抽烟者的分布并无一定规律。I send this sample in double to both places.这个样品我给两处都各寄两份。These figures were often spuriously computed by selecting particularly favorable sample groups.这些数字往往是用错误的方法计算出来的,所用的都是特别挑选出来的对自己有利的样本组。I got the sample for free.我免费得到这样品。The conclusions of the survey are questionable because the research was based on a very small sample of people.这次调查的结论有问题,因为取样的人数太少。The students chosen for the survey are a fairly representative sample/sampling of college students from across the U.S.被选来参加调查的学生在一定程度上代表全美国的大学生。They asked me to do some sample drawings.他们要求我画些样品图。A free sample is enclosed with the compliments of the manufacturer.制造商附赠样品聊表心意。The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample.认为民主国家互不争斗的观点是以一个极小的历史样本为根据的。We used a sample on that track and the record company took us to the cleaners.我们只使用了那段音轨中的一个片段,结果唱片公司就把我们的钱都洗劫一空了。We took the sample to be chemically analyzed by a lab.我们把那个样本拿到实验室进行化学分析。I tasted a sample of the new cereal.我试吃了这种新麦片。Here are some sample questions for the test.这是考试的一些样题。The shop is giving away a sample to every customer.商店赠送给每一位顾客一个样品礼包。The effect can be amplified by reflecting the light back and forth a few times through the sample.把光在样品中来回反射数次,就可以把效应加强。We looked at a representative sample of public schools.我们观察了具有代表性的公立学校。I'd like to see a sample of your work.我想看看你的作品样稿。A random sample/sampling/selection of doctors from around the country were selected for the study.为进行这项研究,从全国各地随机抽样选出了一些医生。They asked me to work up some sample drawings and bring them down.他们请我画一些样图带过去。The sample adequately supports this conclusion.样本充分证实了这一结论。The research suggests that the drug will be successful, in so far as one can draw conclusions from such a small sample size.就目前从这么小的样品数量所得出的结论来看,此项研究表明这种药是会成功的。Here you can relax and sample life without the trappings of modern business.在这里你可以放松,可以体验没有现代商业价值标志的生活。All the athletes had to provide a urine sample.所有运动员都必须要提供尿样。You'd better give a sample of your ability or skill.你最好用实例示范你的能力或技巧。The study was carried out with such a small sample that its results are suspect.这项研究选取的样本如此之少,因此结果并不可靠。The nurse took away my urine sample.护士拿走了我的尿检样品。If your goods are up to sample, they should sell readily in the market.如果你们的货跟样品的质量一样好,那末它们在市场上应该有很好的销路。A sample of fresh faeces should be collected each day.应该每天收集新粪便的样本。The hotel provides an excellent base from which visitors can sample the delights of scuba diving and waterskiing.这家旅馆提供了一个很好的基地,在那里游客可以尝试戴水肺潜水和水橇滑水的乐趣。The sample was selected from the medical records of two general practices.样本选自两个全科诊所的病例。The researchers undertook a sample survey of schools in the city.研究人员对该市的学校做了抽样调查。They coded each sample and sent them to the lab for analysis.他们把每种样品都编了码,送到实验室进行分析。The sample's density is a measure of its purity.样品的密度是其纯度的一个计量单位。The sample contained a foreign object.样本中有异物。As the food looked so good, he decided to sample a little from each dish.这些食物看起来很诱人,于是他决定每样菜都尝一点儿。




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