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For God's sake shut up. I can't hear myself think!.看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了!Every father should insure his life for the sake of his wife and children.为了替妻子儿女着想,每个做父亲的都应当给自己保人寿险。For God's sake, look at the facts!看在上帝的份儿上,考虑一下这些事实!Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him.经济变化本身对他并没有吸引力。He enjoys talking for its own sake.他只是单纯喜欢谈话。She contemplates leaving for the sake of the kids.她考虑为了孩子而离开。She didn't really love him, but she kept up the masquerade for the children's sake.她并不真的爱他,但为了孩子她一直在伪装。I'm not just asking for the sake of it. I need an answer.我不是为问而问,我需要一个答案。She risked her life for the sake of the children.她为了孩子冒生命危险。Oh, for goodness sake, stop squabbling, you two!噢,看在老天的份上,别吵了,你们俩!We leave the keys near the front door for the sake of convenience.为了方便,我们把钥匙放在前门附近。The word can be spelled ten different ways. For consistency's sake, I'm going to use this spelling.这个单词有十种不同拼法,为了保持一致,我将使用这种拼法。He moved to the seaside for the sake of his health.他为了健康而迁居海滨。Stop complaining, for heaven's sake, I'm coming.看在上帝的份上,别抱怨了,我来了。You've got a computer system, for heaven's sake.天啊,你已经装了计算机系统。If you have let yourself go, you should consider doing something about it for the sake of your health.你以前要是对自己不管不顾,现在应该为了自己的健康着想而改变一下。Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children.西蒙告诉苏珊他的婚姻是一种假象,只是看在孩子们的份上才维持着。She rattled on, just talking for talking's sake.她喋喋不休,只是为说话而说话。Stop asking me questions, for God's sake!看在上帝的份上,别再问我了!For the sake of completeness, I should also mention two other minor developments.为了不遗漏任何细节,我还想提提另外两个不太重要的新情况。For pity's sake be quiet for a moment and let me finish my paper.请安静一会,让我把论文写好。For goodness sake, why didn't you ring me?.天哪,为什么你不给我打电话?Will you hurry up, for goodness' sake?求你了,能不能快点儿?For the sake of simplicity, we will focus on the two most common cases.为了简单起见,我们将重点讨论两种最常见的情况。For heaven's sake Keith, will you just sit down and relax for five minutes!看在老天的份上,基思,你能不能坐下来放松五分钟?Carol managed a few proper snivels for the sake of appearance.为了做做样子,卡萝尔适时地抽了几下鼻子。She is only attending the banquet for the sake of appearances. 她只参加在别人看来她应该出席的宴会。Keep your voice down, for goodness sake.求求你了,小点声吧。We drove around town just for the sake of it.我们开车在城里四处转转,只是随便兜兜风。He was obliged, for the sake of humouring his pregnant daughter-in-law, to invite the Senator and Rosemary occasionally to dinner.为了迁就怀孕的儿媳,他不得不偶尔邀请参议员先生和罗斯玛丽来共进晚餐。He enjoys talking for talking's sake.他喜欢为了谈话而谈话。But if you change yourself, you have to do it for your own sake, not for his or anyone else's.但如果你要改变,你得是为了自己,而不是为了他或旁人。Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database.为了便于讨论,不妨假定我们成功地建立了一个令人满意的数据库。For pity's sake, Jack, stop moaning.拜托,杰克,别再呻吟了。For God's sake shut up. I can't hear myself think!看在上帝的分上,闭嘴吧!我都被吵得做不了事情了。John did it for his own sake.约翰为了自身的利益而做这事情。For safety's sake, don't stand behind the horse.安全起见,不要站在马的后面。We shouldn't lose sight of the fact that education is important for its own sake.我们不应该忽视教育本身就很重要这个事实。Don't for heaven's sake forget your keys again.天哪,别再忘了你的钥匙。How many screwed-up adults are there now whose parents stayed together for the children's sake?有多少人年幼时父母因为自己没有离异,长大后神经变得敏感脆弱? |