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词汇 Carl
例句 Carl screamed and hurled oaths as he was dragged out of the room.卡尔被从房间里拖出去时大叫大骂。It's always useful to have a hold over a fellow like Carl May.能支配像卡尔·梅这样的人总是很有用的。I don't know who'll get the job. I guess it's a toss-up between Carl and Steve.我不知道谁会得到那份工作,猜想卡尔和史蒂夫的机会不相上下。Carl and I are finished. It never really worked.我和卡尔玩完了,我们之间一直不太融洽。Kitty's got so thin. And as for Carl, he always seems to be ill.姬蒂变得很瘦,至于卡尔,他似乎一直病歪歪的。Carl could do no wrong in the eyes of his parents.卡尔在他父母眼里是不可能做坏事的。Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company.事业刚起步的时候,她在皇家卡尔·罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手。Carl spent the morning in solitude.那天早上卡尔一个人很清静。Carl had a wicked grin on his face as he crept up behind Ellen.卡尔蹑手蹑脚地走到埃伦后面,一脸坏笑。When Valerie worked late, Carl always walked her home.当瓦莱丽工作到很晚时,卡尔总是步行送她回家。Carl Lewis has broken the world record in the 100 metres.卡尔·刘易斯已经打破了百米赛跑的世界纪录。She was crazy about Carl, and couldn't understand why we found him unattractive.她对卡尔很着迷,所以不能理解我们为什么觉得他没有吸引力。Carl picked up the book and stuffed it inside his jacket.卡尔把书捡起来塞进他的夹克里。I don't know who'll get the job – it's a toss-up between Carl and Steve.我不知道谁会得到这份工作 — 卡尔和史蒂夫两人都有机会。By no stretch of the imagination could Carl ever be called good-looking.无论如何卡尔都算不上英俊。Carl was building up to something.卡尔正在为什么事情做准备。I don't feel sorry for Carl. He knew the score, he knew what he had to do and couldn't do it.我不为卡尔感到难过。他了解情况。他知道自己必须做什么但却没能做成。We're all much better people for having known Carl.我们由于认识了卡尔都变得好多了。Carl sat up in bed, yawned, and stretched.卡尔从床上坐起来,打了个呵欠,伸伸懒腰。Carl couldn't even raise the energy for a smile.卡尔就连挤出一丝微笑的力气都没有了。Sally knew that she and Carl would be the best of friends.萨莉确信她和卡尔会是最好的朋友。Carl's father lost his job last month.卡尔的父亲上个月失业了。Shock, horror! Carl James was seen talking to a woman and it wasn't his wife.恐怖啊!有人看到卡尔‧吉姆和一个女人说话,那个女人不是他老婆。Don't tell Carl, whatever you do.无论如何也不要告诉卡尔。In a rare moment of vanity, Carl removed his glasses.在一次难得的情况下,卡尔为图虚荣把眼镜摘了下来。Carl seemed very kind, but she suspected his motives.卡尔看起来很友善,但她对他的动机表示怀疑。Carl pushed ahead in his eagerness to reach the wall.卡尔为了能够到墙急切地往前挤。Carl said something about an operation.卡尔说了点关于手术的事情。That night Carl stayed up into the small hours, preparing work for the next day.那天晚上卡尔熬夜到凌晨,准备第二天的工作。Christie retaliated by sending his friend a long letter detailing Carl's utter incompetence.为了报复,克里斯蒂给他朋友寄了一封长信,细述卡尔完全不称职。Carl had asked him to visit the hospital and to pay his respects to Francis.卡尔已经让他去医院看望弗朗西斯。Carl got beaten up outside a nightclub on Saturday night.星期六晚上,卡尔在一家夜总会外面被人狠揍了一顿。Have you heard? Carl passed away last night.你听说了吗?卡特昨晚过世了。Carl advanced several arguments in favour of relaxing the tax regime.卡尔提出了赞成放松税制的几个论点。Carl is shaping up very well in his new job.卡尔的新工作干得不错。Carl felt I'd been deceiving him all these years by not telling him I was gay.这么多年来我一直没有告诉卡尔我是同性恋者,他觉得我这是在欺骗他。Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up.热身时卡尔腰椎间盘不慎错位了。I haven't a clue what I'll give Carl for his birthday next year.我不知道明年卡尔过生日我该送什么。Can I see you in my office, Carl? I'm sure Dan can take over from you.你到我办公室来一下好吗,卡尔?丹会帮你照看的。The remains have been identified as those of Carl Rider.遗体被认定是卡尔・赖德的。




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