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例句 The country's government said it would do whatever was necessary to smash the rebellion.政府表示将采取一切必要行动来粉碎叛乱。The patient was said to be in a satisfactory condition.据说病人的情况很好。He said he'd let me in on a secret if I promised not to tell anyone else.他说如果我答应不对其他任何人讲,他就会把一个秘密告诉我。Cowpland said he was willing to buy the company if he got a good deal.考普兰说如果合算的话,他愿意买下那家公司。I've said it before and I'll say it again: I've never trusted that man.我以前说过,并且还要再说一遍:我从未相信过那人。The secretary took my details and said they would get back to me.秘书记下了我的详细资料,说他们会再与我联系。I would have resigned on the spot if she'd said that to me.如果她对我说那样的话,我当时就会辞职的。I deeply regret what I said.我十分后悔我讲的那些话。The union leader has said all along that they will win.工会领袖一直宣称他们将取得胜利。Police and motoring organizations said the roads were slightly busier than normal.警方和一些汽车组织表示,这些公路比平常稍繁忙一些。He said that the statement did not reflect his own views.他说这个陈述并不代表他个人的观点。I said I'd work for free.我说过我是无偿工作的。I thought of you immediately when they said they wanted someone who could speak English.当他们说想找一个会说英语的人时,我马上想到了你。He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways.他说他反对回到过去的独裁做法。Eddie said a funny thing to me.埃迪对我讲了一句古怪的话。Local residents said it was as if there had been a nuclear explosion.当地的居民说就好像发生了核爆炸一样。Would you care to enlarge on what you've just said?您能否再进一步阐述一下您刚才讲过的内容?If offered a choice between death and exile, he said that he would choose the former. 如果在死亡和流亡中选择的话,他说他宁可选择前者。They said that the group was clearly going places.他们说那个小组很明显会获胜。None of what has been said should be taken to imply criticism.刚才说的任何话都不应该视为含有批评的意味。Bishop Daly said he was devastated by news of the Cardinal's death.戴利主教说他听到红衣主教去世的消息后感到极为震惊和难过。Richardson said she was very sorry about the incident.理查森说她对这次意外感到非常抱歉。She chuckled at the memory of what he had said.想到他所说的话,她轻轻地笑了起来。The adjudicator said that some of the acting was of professional standard.评委说有些表演具有专业水平。Intelligence is said to be inborn.据说智力是遗传的。Her mom and dad both said she can't go.她爸妈都说她不能去。The government said the moves were purely defensive.政府表示这些举措完全是防御性的。What he said was just rant. Don't take it seriously.他所说的是夸夸其谈,不要当真。He said ID cards would make it easier to deport illegals.他说发放身份证会使驱逐非法居民变得容易一些。My sister always said I acted rashly.我姐姐总是说我行为鲁莽。She could sense his relief when she said she wouldn't be leaving.她说不会离开时,她感觉到他如释重负。The man said that he was an atheist.这个人说自己是个无神论者。She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.对公众为响应这个呼吁所表现出的极大慷慨,她发言表达了万分感激。He said he couldn't afford to take any chances.他说他承担不起任何风险。I had no choice other than to accept what he said.我除了接受他所说的之外别无选择。They looked across at me, chilled by what Mark had said.他们被马克所说的吓坏了,都朝我这边看。Pigs are said to make very good pets once they are housebroken. 据说猪一旦被训练养成卫生习惯,就很适合当宠物。It is said that he is a master of intrigue.据说他是搞阴谋诡计的老手。The indomitable Mrs Furlong said she would continue to fight for justice.不屈不挠的弗朗夫人说她将继续为正义而斗争。He said they would attach conditions to the handover of the base.他说他们会对基地的移交提出附加条件。




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