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词汇 brandy
例句 The brandy restored his nerve.白兰地使他恢复了勇气。There was a dribble of brandy in the bottom of the bottle.瓶底有一些白兰地。It is traditional around here to drink brandy with coffee as a morning pick-me-up.在这个地方,传统上把白兰地和咖啡混在一起当作早晨的提神饮料。The crepes were flambéed with brandy.这些薄饼是浇上白兰地点燃过的。She likes to add a drop of brandy to her tea.她喜欢在茶里加一点点白兰地。He kept a little brandy for medicinal purposes.他留了点白兰地作药用。I'd like a black coffee with a lace of brandy.我想要一杯加少量白兰地的清咖啡。His excuse for drinking brandy is that it's said to aid digestion.他给自己喝白兰地找的借口是,据说它有助于消化。He added a shot of brandy to his coffee.他在咖啡里加了一点儿白兰地。The bountiful host was bringing brandy, whisky, and liqueurs.慷慨的主人拿来了白兰地、威士忌和几种利口酒。I'll have a brandy, with water on the side.来杯白兰地,外加一杯水。The butler was polishing the brandy glasses.男管家正在擦白兰地酒杯。Eric gritted his teeth and vouchsafed them a few more drops of brandy.埃里克咬紧牙关,又给他们倒了些白兰地。Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy.把水果和坚果放进罐子里,用白兰地酒浸泡。Just a spot of brandy, please.请给我来一点点白兰地。A dosage of brandy or sugar is sometimes added to wine.有时往葡萄酒里加白兰地或糖。Michael got up and helped himself to more brandy.迈克尔站起身来,又倒了一些白兰地。He drank a tumbler of brandy.他喝了一杯白兰地。Two glasstablees of brandy will put him under the table.两杯白兰地就可以把他醉倒了。A double brandy, please.请来一杯双份白兰地。He went south with a bottle of brandy.他偷走了一瓶白兰地。He left with several more glasses of brandy inside him.他往肚子里又灌下几杯白兰地后离去了。You might notice a hint of brandy in the sauce.在这种调味汁中你也许能尝出一点白兰地的味道。I drank a huge potion of brandy.我一次喝下了大量白兰地。You both smell brandy.你俩身上都有股白兰地酒的气味。The brandy made him a bit loquacious.喝了白兰地,他的话多了起来。I'd like some coffee with a lace of brandy.我想喝一点加少量白兰地的咖啡。He drank a whole bottle of brandy and was blind drunk.他喝了整整一瓶白兰地,烂醉如泥。Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.与葡萄酒不同,白兰地只有在木桶里才能发酵成熟,玻璃器皿不行。With half a bottle of brandy inside me, I was beginning to feel unsteady.喝下半瓶白兰地后,我开始感到站立不稳了。She laced her coffee with brandy.她在咖啡里加了少量白兰地。He drank the brandy in sips.他小口呷着白兰地。He took a swig of brandy from a small metal flask.他从一只小金属扁酒瓶里喝了一大口白兰地。Her eyes lit on the brandy bottle that Atanas had dropped on the floor.她的目光落在了阿塔纳斯丢在地上的那个白兰地酒瓶上。Nancy grabbed the brandy from his hand, and downed it with a single swig.南希从他手中夺过白兰地酒,一饮而尽。You can add what you want to this mixture - brandy, whisky, or nothing at all - as the whim takes you.你可以在这种混合饮料里加入任何你喜欢的东西——白兰地、威士忌或什么也不加——全看你自己。He cradled his brandy glass in both hands.他双手捧着白兰地酒杯。I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.我给他喝了些白兰地以减轻疼痛。Fuddled by brandy, her brain fumbled over the events of the night.白兰地已经让她烂醉如泥,记不清晚上发生的事情。A warm glass of brandy is a great pick-me-up on a cold winter night.在寒冷的冬夜喝一杯温过的白兰地很提神。




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