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词汇 sacks
例句 You'd be surprised how heavy these sacks are.你会很惊讶这些麻袋有多重。The team is just a bunch of sad sacks. 这个球队不过是一群饭桶。We watched a ship unloading (sacks of flour).我们观看了一艘货轮卸下(面粉)。My job was filling the flour sacks.我的工作是把面粉袋装满。Using ropes and wooden poles for leverage, they haul sacks of cement up the track.利用绳子和木棍取得杠杆作用,他们把几大袋水泥从轨道上拖开。They filled the sacks with potatoes.他们将袋子装满了土豆。Young children were trying to scrape up some of the rice that spilled from the sacks.小孩子们正试图铲起从麻袋中散落的米粒儿。Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.两国边境地区的仓库里堆满了一袋袋的大米和面粉。The flashlight beam revealed a pile of sacks.手电筒的光照到了一堆口袋。Children were trying to scrape up the rice that spilled from the sacks.孩子们正努力捡拾从口袋中撒出来的米粒。He was credited with three sacks in yesterday's game.他在昨天的比赛中三次擒杀四分卫,功不可没。He bought two sacks of corn.他买了两袋玉米。The Colts have allowed only six sacks this season.小马队本赛季只遭受到六次擒杀。Small turntables are operated by manpower and sacks are loaded by hand.小的转车台由人力操作,而麻袋要徒手装载。The workmen used a crane to lift sacks of cement from the ship.工人们用起重机把水泥包吊下船来。Alistair had carefully folded up the paper and stowed it away under the sacks.阿利斯泰尔小心地把纸叠起来,放到了厚纸袋下。The corn was stored in large sacks.玉米装在大麻袋里。




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