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词汇 全体
例句 Every police unit has been ordered to evacuate all civilians.所有警察部队奉命疏散全体平民。The audience rose bodily to cheer the hero.听众全体起立向那位英雄欢呼致意。We have always tried to provide the public at large with accurate information.我们总是设法给全体民众提供准确信息。The brutal military regime has struck terror into the whole population.残暴的军事政权使全体民众惊恐万分。The speaker vocalized the feeling of the entire group.演说者讲出了全体的心声。We reached unanimous agreement.我们全体达成了一致。The meeting decided that further efforts were needed.全体与会者认定有必要作出进一步努力。We went on a corporate/spiritual retreat.我们进行了一次全体/心灵的静修。The plane's crew members were the last ones to disembark.全体机务人员最后下飞机。The bill was passed with the full concurrence of the Senate. 全体参议员一致同意通过这项法案。The Archbishop began his address, thanking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for inviting him to the Abbey.大主教在开始演讲之前,首先感谢威斯敏斯特大教堂的主教和全体教士邀请他来到这里。She shouted out commands to the crew.她向全体工作人员大声下达命令。Thanks are due to all those who took part.谨向全体参加者致谢。After the violence on the field, the manager lectured the team about acceptable standards of behaviour.运动场上发生暴力事件后,领队告诫全体球员什么才是可接受的行为标准。He glanced around at the assembled company. 他向全体人群扫了一眼。All decisions would require unanimity.所有决定都需要全体一致同意。His views are unrepresentative of the population as a whole.他的观点不能代表全体民众的观点。The players were disconsolate after losing what should have been an easy game.输掉了一场本应该轻松取胜的比赛后,全体队员都感到十分沮丧。The Senate stood to welcome the new President.参议院全体起立欢迎新总统。Let there be no doubt that this was an attack on the whole community.毫无疑问,这是对全体大众的攻击。The college provides technology to all faculty members and students to link them to the Internet.学院向全体教职员和学生提供技术,让他们连接上互联网。It was decided to hold a ballot of all party members.决定由全体党员投票表决。A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.全体投票一致通过停业清理公司。Shall I reply for you all?要不要我代你们全体答复呢? The drowning at Chappaquiddick is still engraved in the collective memory of America.查帕奎迪克溺亡事件仍然铭记在全体美国人心中。The village is/are campaigning for a by-pass to be built.全体村民正在积极呼吁,要求修建一条旁道。The troops squared their shoulders and stood at attention while the general reviewed them.在接受将军检阅时,部队全体挺胸肃立。Her untidy garden is a discredit to the whole street.她那凌乱的花园是全体街坊的耻辱。Entire villages come to see the parade.全体村民都来看游行。All the competitors finished the race.全体参赛者都跑完了全程。The dean and chapter are the nominal electors of a bishop.教长和全体教士是名义上的主教选举人。One of the crew caught smallpox, and soon they were all in quarantine.其中一名船员得了天花,不久他们全体都被隔离。The cast and crew of the movie are giving it their all.这部电影的全体演职人员都尽了全力。The audience rose as one man to applaud the singers.观众全体起立向歌手们鼓掌。The vast crowd rose as one.那一大群人全体起立。I'd like you to get the staff together, please.我想请你去召集全体工作人员。The whole village attended the meeting.全体村民参加了会议。The whole committee sat down on the suggestion as being unsuitable.委员会全体反对这个建议,认为不适当。The king came in, with all his servants following after him.国王进来了,后面跟着全体仆役。The party must present a united front on these issues. 全体党员必须对这些问题达成共识。




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