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词汇 run to
例句 Do a dummy run to see how long it will take.做一次演习看看要花多少时间。They scored three runs to go ahead by two.他们跑垒得了三分,领先两分。It was a very pleasant run to the coast.开车到海滨兜风非常惬意。With no thought for his own safety, the old man went off at a run to save the drowning boy.老汉毫不顾虑自己的安全,奔去救那溺水的男孩。The article runs to several hundred pages.这篇文章长达数百页。Will the coffee run to two cups for each person?这些咖啡每人两杯够吗?Sharks frequently run to an enormous size.鲨鱼往往长得硕大无比。His lettuces have run to seed.他种的莴苣已结籽。Start from that tree over there and run to the house.从那边那棵树开始跑到房子那里。The tape had run to the end but recorded nothing.磁带已经转到头了,但是什么也没录上。The house needs repairing, but John can't run to it.房子需要修整,但是约翰没钱办到。I doubt if his musical taste runs to opera.我说不准他的音乐爱好是否包括欣赏歌剧。My income doesn't run to luxuries.靠我的收入是买不起奢侈品的。The national railroad is doing a few trial runs to test new equipment.全国铁路正在进行几次试车以测试新设备。With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, he hit a home run to win the game.第九局的后半局,在有两名队员出局的情况下,他以一记本垒打赢得了比赛。I can't run to a new car.我买不起新车。I don't think my salary quite runs to holidays in the Caribbean!我可不认为凭我这点工资能去加勒比海度假!It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather.使用真正的皮革最终还是便宜合算的。All these writers run to sentiment.所有这些作家都有伤感的倾向。You should not run to extremes.你们不应该走极端。The company budget wouldn't run to a Mercedes, so I had to make do with a Ford instead.公司的预算不够买奔驰汽车,所以我只能将就着买辆福特。The courses were run to a consistent format.这些课程的安排是有连续性的。He had to run to catch the bus.他不得不跑过去赶搭公车。My salary won't run to foreign holidays.靠我的工资可不够到外国去度假。Would you run to the post office and get me some stamps?你能不能赶快到邮局给我买一些邮票来?In hot weather lettuces can suddenly run to seed.在炎热的天气下,莴苣会在很短的时间内开花结籽。His tastes run to the exotic.他喜欢异国情调。The dog can run to its heart's content out there.这条狗可以在外面跑个痛快。You mustn't run to your elder brother with every problem.你千万不要一遇到难题就向哥哥求助。The airline has axed transatlantic runs to stem heavy losses.为了免得继续遭受严重的亏损,那家航空公司大刀阔斧地削减了飞越大西洋的班次。Our funds won't run to a meal in a restaurant.我们的资金还不够上饭馆吃一顿的。My own tastes run to a comfortable apartment, somewhere high in a modern building.我个人更喜欢现代化的大楼里舒适的高层公寓。If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。His new novel has already run to three impressions.他新出版的小说已第三次印刷了。He started to walk faster and the children had to run to keep up.他开始加快脚步,孩子们不得不跑步才能跟上。My cooking skills don't run to fancy cakes and desserts.恐怕凭我的烹调技艺还做不出花式糕点和甜点。The money I have saved doesn't run to buying a new house.我攒的钱还不够买一所新房子的。The plant runs to seed rapidly in hot weather.这种植物在炎热的天气里结籽很快。I have to make a quick run to the store.我得赶快搭车去趟商店。What do you think about a run to the country?到乡下去跑一趟你看如何?




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