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词汇 run
例句 They can both run equally fast.他俩能跑得一样快。Catering in the schools is run on a franchise basis.学校餐饮服务以特许权形式经营。I can't afford to run a car.我开不起汽车。By this time in the afternoon, my energy levels are starting to run low.到下午的这个时候,我的精力就开始要耗尽了。If the deer catches winds of us, he'll run into the woods.鹿一闻到我们的气味就会跑进树林。This place is run like a hotel ought to be run.这个地方就是按经营旅馆的方式来管理的。The city was under siege and began to run short of food.这座城市陷入了包围之中,开始面临食物短缺。Aren't you a little old to run home to your mother?难道你不觉得跑回家向你母亲求助,你的年纪也太大了一点儿吗?I've run out of books and need to root up some more.我没书看了,得再找几本来。Who should I meet in New York but Max of all people! = Of all the people in New York, who should I run into but Max! 真想不到我居然会在纽约碰到马克斯!When several people began to run the contagion spread and soon everybody was running.几个人一跑,影响就传播开了,顿时大家都奔跑起来。They run a car that to all intents and purposes is a commercial delivery vehicle.他们开了辆车,实际上是一辆商用运输车。When he saw me he broke into a run.看到我他拔腿就跑。They're old enough to run/live their own lives. 他们年纪不小了,能够安排自己的生活了。I dread them coming here because they let their kids run riot.我害怕他们到访,因为他们任由孩子胡闹。The ad was run in yesterday's newspaper.这则广告刊登在昨天的报纸上。Turn off the radio so you don't run down the batteries.把收音机关掉就不会耗费电池了。We will probably outsource the selling of popcorn and another firm will run it as a concession.我们很可能会把爆米花的销售外包出去,另一家公司将会以租用场地的方式来经营。Don't allow meetings to run on; set an agenda and stick to it.开会不要超时。要制订一个议程,照议程去做。She is really busy. She stays on the run.她真的很忙,她保持着忙碌状态。He let it be known that he intends to run for mayor.他宣布他打算竞选市长。This year is something of a trial run for the new service.今年可以说是这项新服务的试行年。The Senator has decided to run for president, and made his intentions known in a public statement Tuesday.该参议员决定参加总统竞选,并在星期二的一份公开声明中表明了这一意图。He grabbed his coat on the run and raced after them.他边跑边抓起上衣,飞快地追赶他们而去。Just hearing his name made her blood run cold.单单听见他的名字就使她胆战心惊。The play had a run of three months.这出戏连续上演了三个月。The country is run by an autocratic government/ruler.这个国家受独裁政府/统治者统治。Many large organizations run courses for their employees.许多大企业为旗下员工开办课程。He broke into a heavy loping run.他开始笨拙地大步跑了起来。Does music gift always run in a family?音乐天赋是不是总会为一家人共有呢? Will the coffee run to two cups for each person?这些咖啡每人两杯够吗?The new train will make its inaugural run next week.这列新火车将在下星期首次运行。The Klausner is a comfortable well-run hotel.克劳斯纳是一家环境舒适、经营良好的酒店。If we run, we should be able to make it before the bus leaves.我们跑的话,应该能在公共汽车开走前赶上。The well has run dry.这口井已经干涸了。Before we started we did a dummy run.我们在开始前进行了一次演练。Was she willing to chuck everything to run north?她情愿抛弃一切跑到北方去吗?You'll run the battery down if you leave your car lights on.你要是让车灯开着,就会把电瓶里的电耗尽。I'm sure you can run rings round him.我肯定你比他强得多。The company is run on Rafferty's rules.公司运转混乱无序。




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