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The lovebirds are in the garden.这对情侣在花园里。The couple laid a false trail to escape the press photographers.为了逃避摄影记者,那对情侣假造了踪迹。Cohabiting couples would regularise their unions, they said.他们说,同居情侣会让他们的结合合法化。She approached a young couple holding hands on a bench.她走近一对手拉手坐在长椅上的年轻情侣。Photographers caught the couple by surprise as they were leaving a restaurant.这对情侣离开餐厅时,摄影师出其不意地抓拍到这一镜头。At the other tables couples were now in a mellow mood, chattering happily and drinking.其他桌上的情侣们正一边饮酒一边畅谈,兴致很高。The couple eloped in the middle of the night.这对情侣半夜里私奔了。Discussions about money can lead couples into treacherous territory.讨论金钱会把情侣带入危险境地。I developed a temporary allergy to the company of couples.我一时间很反感和情侣们在一起。I think I'll leave you two lovebirds alone for a while.我想我会让你们这对热恋的情侣单独待一会儿。The lovers' runaway caused their parents much pain.这对情侣的私奔给他们的父母带来了很多痛苦。Couples were jitterbugging on the dance floor.情侣们在舞池中跳着吉特巴舞。My mum gave us his and hers matching dressing gowns for Christmas.我妈妈送给我们一套情侣睡袍作为圣诞礼物。A young couple sat together in the corner, billing and cooing.一对年轻的情侣坐在角落里卿卿我我。The couple smooched to a slow ballad.这对情侣随着一首慢歌的节拍相拥而舞。A young couple were walking hand in hand along the beach.一对年轻情侣手牵手在海滩上散步。The lovers are united at the conclusion of the movie.电影结尾时这对情侣终成眷属。Fire and police crews rushed to the scene, but the couple were already dead.消防员和警察迅速赶往现场,但那对情侣已经身亡。They were friends for many years before they became lovers.成为情侣之前,他们是多年的朋友。Tom doesn't have a steady at the moment.汤姆眼下还没有一个已确定关系的情侣。All my friends were either lovey-dovey couples or wild, single girls.我的朋友不是你侬我侬的情侣,就是狂野的单身女孩。He asked me after the dance if I wanted to go steady.跳过舞之后他问我想不想保持长久的情侣关系。They are to have an autumn wedding, an intimate of the couple confides.他们的婚礼将在秋季举行,这对情侣的一位密友透露说。Their holiday romance turned into a lasting relationship.他们的假日恋情变成了稳定的情侣关系。They were quick to dismiss rumours of an off-screen romance.他们迅速否认了两人在现实生活中是情侣关系的传言。He and Liz became lovers soon after they first met.他和利兹认识后不久就成了情侣。Reporters asked the happy twosome if they had set a date for the wedding.记者问那对幸福的情侣是否已经选好了婚礼日期。The couple quashed rumors that they were engaged.这对情侣平息了他们已订婚的谣言。The lustful aroma — a mix of chocolaty caramel and coconut — will have strangers and lovers swooning.混杂着巧克力焦糖和椰果的浓郁芳香会使陌生人和情侣们神魂颠倒。We see couples with their arms wrapped round each other.我们看见一对对互相拥抱着的情侣。He believes same-sex couples should be able to marry.他认为同性恋情侣应该可以结婚。The couple leapt apart when she walked in on them and later came downstairs looking sheepish.她走进屋时撞见这对情侣,搞得两人赶紧分开,后来又面带窘色地走下楼来。Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Two's company, three's a crowd.好啦,我要走了,留下你们这对小情侣享受二人世界吧。两人成伴,三人不欢。Two mutually infatuated people can want each other desperately.相互热恋着的情侣会不顾一切地想得到对方。The love-struck pair have been spotted kissing and cuddling at parties.有人看见这对热恋中的情侣在各种聚会上接吻拥抱。Couples walked on/along the pier.情侣们在码头上/沿着码头散步。The young couple decided to start their tour immediately.这对年轻情侣决定立刻出发去游览。Despite the beautiful imagery, it's not certain that each posturing pair is actually a mated pair.尽管电影表现得尽善尽美,但实际上并不一定每一对在镜头前展现风姿的都是情侣。The young lovers sat in the moonlight.年轻的情侣们坐在月光下。Jenny and I were lovers.我和詹尼曾经是情侣。 |