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One of our town's time-honored traditions is to have an Easter egg hunt the week before Easter.我们镇上历史悠久的传统风俗之一是在复活节前一周举行找彩蛋活动。Fabergé eggs are famous for their intricate craftsmanship.法贝热复活节彩蛋以精致的工艺闻名。The Easter egg has both pagan and Christian origins.复活节彩蛋的起源与多神教和基督教都有关系。At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties and coins.复活节时,我们给他们分发塑料彩蛋,里面装着小玩具、新颖的小玩意儿和硬币。Eggs decorated with colours or gilt have been a symbol of life since the ancient Greeks.自古希腊开始,彩蛋或有金色涂层的蛋一直被视为生命的象征。 |