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词汇 ruined
例句 The ruined house had a sinister appearance.那座倒塌的房子外观给人一种不祥之感。They've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years.他们把今后几年的旅游业完全给毁了。Now you've gone and ruined it!现在,你已经搞砸了一切!Her children say that she has ruined their lives.她的孩子们说她毁了他们的生活。We passed many bombed-out buildings in the ruined city.在这座被毁坏的城市里,我们一路上见到许多被炸毁的建筑物。Could you bear your favourite child to be ruined?你能忍心看着你最喜爱的孩子完蛋吗?The scandal ruined his reputation and now his name is mud.丑闻毁了他的声誉,现在他声名狼藉。I've ruined the meal and our guests are due in half an hour!我把菜烧砸了,而半小时以后我们的客人就要到了!The rain had ruined her best velvet skirt.这场雨把她最好的天鹅绒裙子糟塌了。He handed in his notice at the bank and ruined his promising career.他向银行提出了辞职,毁掉了自己的大好前程。The lives of many young gay people are ruined by unthinking and widespread homophobia in society.许多年轻同性恋者的一生被社会中广泛存在的对同性恋者随意的憎恨毁了。Many firms have been ruined by hasty decisions.许多公司都因为仓促决策而导致破产。I've ruined every relationship with my possessiveness.占有欲太强毁掉了我的每一段感情。This shirt is ruined - there's a big scorch mark on the back.这件衬衫完了—背上有一大块烫焦的痕迹。Without a skilled man in the saddle this business is likely to be completely ruined before the end of the year.没有一位懂行的人掌权,这家企业很可能在年底前完蛋。Cheating at the game ruined that player's reputation.比赛时作弊败坏了那位选手的声望。He ruined her self-confidence with a few well-chosen words.他仔细斟酌过后说的几句话使她失去了自信心。This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet.这双鞋糟透了,让我的脚受罪。The presence of so many outsiders has ruined the community spirit.大量外乡人的到来破坏了当地的社区精神。He ruined his life through drinking.喝酒毁了他的一生。The cam belt broke and ruined the engine.凸轮带断了,损坏了引擎。We sifted through the ashes of our ruined lives.我们的生活遭受毁灭化为灰烬,我们在灰烬中探寻。Jefferson was ruined by the lawsuit.杰斐逊因为那场官司倾家荡产。The book is ruined by all the treacle about his childhood.这本书被有关他童年的煽情描述给毁了。His career had been ruined by the sensational and damaging stories that appeared in the popular press.通俗小报上一些耸人听闻的、带诽谤性的报道毁了他的前程。The incident has all but ruined her financially.这次事件使她经济上彻底破了产。Serious in-fighting ruined the Conservatives’ chances of winning the election.严重的内部斗争破坏了保守党当选的机会。His life has been ruined by heroin addiction.他的人生毁于吸食海洛因。His low test scores ruined his chances of getting into a good school.他考试成绩太差,失去了上好学校的机会。This illness has ruined my life.这个病毁掉了我的生活。The misconduct of the business nearly ruined it.管理不善使企业几乎倒闭。His parents are making him work off the cost of the bike he ruined.他的父母让他干活以补偿那辆被他弄坏的自行车的费用。He took us on an excursion to the ruined city.他带我们去游览那座城市的遗迹。He was ruined by debt.他被债务压垮了。Half-ruined, hardly a building untouched, it's a desolate place.这里大半遭毁,几乎没有一栋建筑完好无损,变成了一块荒废之地。The villagers pilfered stones from ancient ruined cities to build their houses.村民们从古城废墟里偷来石头造房子。The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise beautiful film.本来是一部优秀的电影,可是却被这糟糕的音质给毁了。The carpet is completely ruined.那块地毯全损坏了。Phelps's mistake has ruined her chances of winning the championship.费尔普斯的错误毁掉了她夺冠的机会。His sprained ankle ruined his chances of winning the tournament.他扭伤了足踝,这断送了他赢得比赛的机会。




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