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词汇 route
例句 The goods went by a rather indirect route.这些货物运输时走了一条非常迂回的路线。Why don't we stop for lunch en route?我们在途中停下来吃午餐吧。We took an indirect route to the town.我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。The alternative route takes you along the river.另外的一条路线是沿河走的。Let's take the scenic route home.我们走这条风景优美的路回家吧。The northern route is longer than the southern one, but the fare is the same.北线比南线长,但票价相同。He left today on a roundabout route for Jordan and is also due soon in Egypt.他今天启程绕道去约旦,用不了多久还会去埃及。It was even marked on the map as a scenic route.它甚至还作为观光路线标在了地图上。They would go out on his route and check him.他们会到他那里走访一下,看看他的情况。Researchers are getting the information through an indirect route.研究人员正在从间接渠道获取信息。I take the same route to work every day, like some sort of automaton.我每天按同一路线去上班,就像个机器人一样。She went the conventional route by going straight to college after high school.她高中毕业后就按部就班地去读大学了。Our route lay straight ahead and downhill.我们的路线就在正前方,是下山路。The network had reached its greatest extent in route mileage.公路网的里程数已达到最大限度。Our route lay to the west.我们这条路是朝西的。His family was under the impression that he died while en route to the hospital.他的家人以为他死在了去医院的途中。I decided to go/take the traditional route and have a big wedding.我决定依照传统方式,举办一场盛大婚礼。En route to Brown's home, he stopped off at his office building.在去布朗家的途中,他下车到办公楼去了一下。 Crowds lined the route to the palace.人群夹道排在通往皇宫的路上。Marco Polo reached China by the overland route.马可·波罗由陆路到达中国。Towns developed along this trade route hundreds of years ago.几百年前就有城市沿着这条商路发展起来。They were en route from Kuala Lumpur to Paris.他们在从吉隆坡去巴黎的途中。They were lost at sea when their ship sank en route for Madeira.前往马德拉的途中船沉了,他们葬身大海。We'll stop for lunch en route.我们将在途中停下吃午饭。They had to route the goods through Germany.他们必须经由德国运送这些货物。She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route.她通过地方政府的渠道在保守党的等级制度中一步步地晋升。They arrived early despite several en route delays.尽管途中有所耽搁,他们还是提前抵达了。I'm afraid your ticket is invalid on this route.恐怕你的票不能在本线使用。This route through the mountains is notoriously dangerous.众所周知,通过山区的那条路很危险。Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent's David McKittrick.对北爱尔兰问题作出最佳阐述与分析的莫过于《独立报》戴维·麦基特里克的文章了。Trade rather than territorial conquest was held to be the route to progress.贸易而不是领土征服被认为是进步的途径。Before the new railway was built, its route was carefully surveyed.在建设新铁路之前,其路线已经经过了仔细的测量。I can drive that route in my sleep.我开车走那条路闭着眼都能过去。One of the bags was lost en route.其中一个包在路上丢了。He took us by a devious route to the center of the city.他带我们绕路去市中心。When the road divides, take the left-hand route.道路分岔时走左边那条路。We took the scenic route. 我们走的观光路线。I drive this route every day.我每天开车都走这条路线。The team is en route to a championship.该队正在向冠军迈进。The car took the shortest route.汽车抄一条捷径。




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